Age Dependance of Vitamin B12 Blood Level Difference between Male and Female Patients in Latvia

  • Agnese Miķelsone (Speaker)
  • Didzis Gavars (Co-author)
  • Agris Auce (Co-author)
  • Eriks Tauckels (Co-author)
  • Ilze Lindenberga (Co-author)
  • Dmitrijs Perminovs (Co-author)
  • Anna Tutane (Co-author)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesPoster presentation


With the increase of popularity of B12 clinical tests proper reference intervals become more important. The male/female difference of B12 blood level was studied using large number of patient data.. Results of 391442 B12 tests accumulated at Egils Gulbis Laboratory, Latvia, from 1st of January 2018 till 21st of December 2022 were used in this study. Patient density distributions were studied for different age and gender groups. The highest number of data points per one year age interval were for 35 years old patients with 28619 and 9786 test results for female and male patients respectively. Gradually the number of tests per one year age interval decreased to 14000 test results for female and 6000 for male for the 75 years old patients. Mean B12 value, reference intervals and patient density distribution were calculated for each gender by 2 years steps.. Up to the age of 45 the male and female adult B12 blood level is within 2% for median B12 value. At the age of 50 the B12 level for female patients is 10% higher than for the males. The difference between male and female B12 values reaches 13% at the age of 65 and stays around 10% until age 85. Similar changes with the age were observed for the whole patient density distribution including 1st and 3rd quadrilles. Although B12 vitamin level depends on dietary habits and there are reports on lower of B12 level due to alcohol consumption it seems that there could be some physiological reason for the higher B12 blood level for women over 50.. A 10%-13% higher B12 blood level was observed females over 50 years old as compared to the males of the same age. The reasons for the difference are not clear.
Period29 Mar 2023
Event titleRSU Research week 2023: Society. Health. Welfare
Event typeConference
Conference number9
OrganiserRīga Stradiņš University
LocationRiga, LatviaShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational