NIVA Education

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...


Nanoparticles at Workplaces.
The course will raise awareness of the nanoparticles (sources, recognition, toxicity and control) at different working environments. The focus will be on engineered nanoparticles/nanomaterials but also incidental nanoparticles appearing at many different work environments utilizing e.g. hot process and massive energies will be in concern.

Themes such as toxicity, exposure, risk assessment, control and legislation will be covered. With comprehensive lectures and practical hands on sessions, the course gives ability to understand the possible exposure to nanoparticles as well as improve the safety of the working manners and work environments.
Period26 Oct 202128 Oct 2021
Event typeCourse
Degree of RecognitionInternational