Projects per year
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Evaluation of percutaneous gallbladder drainage and determination of optimal treatment algorithm in high-risk patients with moderate and severe acute cholecystitis
Ptašņuka, M. (Project leader), Plaudis, H. (Supervisor) & Koļesova, O. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 29/09/28
Project: PhD projects
Improving the Quality of Life for Ischemic Stroke Patients After Hospitalization in the Context of Value-Based Healthcare
Šteina, V. (Project leader), Behmane, D. (Supervisor) & Plaudis, H. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 29/09/28
Project: PhD projects
Doctoral grant for RSU and LASE PhD students
Edelmers, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Gavrilova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Lucāne, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Elksne, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Lazovska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Miķelsone, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Griķe, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Antonovičs, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Kivrāne, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Semenistaja, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Ļubina, O. (Expert (PhD student)), Ivanova, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Kaņepa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Glāzere, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Nikolajeva, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Saliņa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Rozevska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Ničiporuka, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Mičko, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Ruža, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Lapiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlers, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Rubene, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lejnieks, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Līkopa, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Kozlovs, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Reine, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Palkova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Karulis, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuļigina, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Kalniņa, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Svempe, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Saukuma, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Juberte-Krūmiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Kovaļovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Sinulingga, A. R. (Expert (PhD student)), Iļjins, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Laviņš, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Šteinmane, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Spundiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Bleidelis, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Martinsone, S. S. (Expert (PhD student)), Teteris, L. E. (Expert (PhD student)), Jakovics, M. (Expert (PhD student)) & Nerets, R. (Expert (PhD student))
2/09/24 → 31/05/26
Project: Consolidation grants
The Role of the Microbiome in the Diagnosis, Choice of Therapeutic Tactics and Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Heinrihsone, D. (Project leader), Gardovskis, J. (Supervisor) & Miklaševičs, E. (Supervisor)
2/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: PhD projects
Augstas Intensitātes Fokusētā Ultraskaņa (AIFU) - Agrīnie onkoloģiskie un funkcionālie iznākumi lokalizēta priekšdziedzera vēža ārstēšanā
Jansons, J. (Project leader) & Lietuvietis, V. (Supervisor)
2/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: PhD projects
Nipple Reinnervation Technique using autologous Nerve Graft Following Implant Breast Reconstruction
Lapiņš, J. (Project leader) & Maksimenko, J. (Supervisor)
3/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: PhD projects
Assessment of Dynamic Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction Risk Factors in Patients Undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement
Vārpiņš, G. (Project leader), Stradiņš, P. (Supervisor) & Strazdiņš, U. (Supervisor)
3/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: PhD projects
Early hypogonadism in testicular cancer patients. Effects of treatment on testosterone levels, insulin resistance, cardiovascular and bone metabolic markers
Ļeoņenko, K. (Project leader), Lietuvietis, V. (Supervisor) & Konrāde, I. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/25
Project: PhD projects
Apakšējo ekstremitāšu varikozo vēnu duplekss ultrasonogrāfijas mainīgo saistība ar viņu biomehāniskajām īpašībām
Žabūrs, Ž. (Project leader), Lācis, A. (Supervisor) & Kasjanovs, V. (Supervisor)
1/10/20 → 30/09/25
Project: PhD projects