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The gut microbiome as a neoadjuvant chemotherapy response affecting factor in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients
Liepiņa, E. E. (Project leader), Daneberga, Z. (Supervisor) & Sīviņa, E. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 29/09/28
Project: PhD projects
Development of genetic testing strategies for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk prediction by analysis of spectrum of predisposing mutations and their phenotypic manifestations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader), Maksimenko, J. (Leading expert), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Loža, P. (Expert), Liepiņa, E. E. (Expert), Prusakevica, A. (Assistant (student)) & Kriķe, N. (Assistant (student))
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Patient reported outcome measures in breast cancer patients: a pilot study
Poplavska, E. (Project leader), Maļina, L. (Assistant (student)), Spriņģe, L. (Leading expert), Makejeva, S. (Assistant (student)), Irmejs, A. (Leading expert), Maksimenko, J. (Expert), Trups-Kalne, I. (Leading expert), Tihomirova, Ļ. (Participant) & Muižniece, Z. (Participant)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
hip-TNBC: Hypoxia-induced molecular alterations and druggable targets in triple negative breast cancer cell lines - HipTNBC
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Mitre, I. (Expert), Rogoza, O. (Assistant (student)) & Pirsko, V. (Work package leader)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Development of screening algorithm for high breast cancer risk by analysis of spectrum of predisposing mutations and their phenotypic manifestations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Maksimenko, J. (Leading expert), Loža, P. (Expert (PhD student)), Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuzņecova, E. (Expert (PhD student)) & Subatniece, S. (Expert)
7/02/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Chronic hypoxia-induced cell viability and mitochondrial priming assessment in breast cancer cell lines / Hroniskas hipoksijas ierosinātās šūnu dzīvotspējas un mitohondriālās apoptozes noteikšana krūts vēža šūnu līnijās
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert), Mitre, I. (Participant) & Cekstere, A. A. (Participant)
3/04/23 → 1/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Development of strategies for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk detection and management by analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
State research project in the field of biomedicine, medical technologies and pharmacy
Lejnieks, A. (Partner's coordinator), Karelis, G. (Leading expert), Gardovska, D. (Leading expert), Ābola, Z. (Leading expert), Miklaševičs, E. (Leading expert), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Gardovskis, J. (Leading expert), Pētersons, A. (Leading expert), Kļaviņš, K. (Expert), Kroiča, J. (Leading expert), Skadiņš, I. (Leading expert), Vīksna, L. (Leading expert), Dimiņa, E. (Expert), Sniedze, D. (Participant), Karlsons, J. (Participant), Broks, R. (Participant), Gravele, D. (Expert), Rozentālberga, A. (Expert), Kanašniece, E. (Expert), Konrāde, I. (Leading expert), Trušinskis, K. (Leading expert), Strēle, I. (Leading expert), Kaļiņins, A. (Expert), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Radziņš, O. (Expert), Bāgante, I. (Leading expert), Koļesova, O. (Leading expert), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Leading expert), Koļesovs, A. (Expert), Mičule, M. (Participant), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Leading expert), Kande, L. (Expert), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Leading expert), Vjaters, E. (Leading expert), Lietuvietis, V. (Leading expert), Plonis, J. (Leading expert), Bitiņa-Barlote, Ē. (Expert), Ieviņa, L. (Participant), Fortūna, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Pētersons, A. (Participant), Pastare, D. (Expert), Pugovičs, O. (Project leader), Silina, S. (Participant), Zemčugova-Bērziņa, A. (Participant), Tihomirova, Ļ. (Participant), Maļina, L. (Participant) & Kozačenko, J. (Participant)
1/12/22 → 30/11/24
Project: National Research Programme
Imaging performance of multiparametric US and cross-sectional CT and MRI biomarkers using multimodal approach in the evaluation of renal masses to define standardized diagnostic algorithms
Radziņa, M. (Project leader), Vjaters, E. (Expert), Briede, I. (Expert), Liepa, M. (Expert), Saule, L. (Expert) & Putriņš, D. S. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Hypoxia-induced molecular alterations in triple negative breast cancer cell lines
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Leading expert) & Mitre, I. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Development of genetic testing strategies for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk detection by analysis of spectrum of predisposing mutations and their phenotypic manifestations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader), Daneberga, Z. (Expert) & Maksimenko, J. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
TERT gēnu saturoša konstrukta iedarbības pārbaude cilvēka šūnu līnijā
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert) & Mitre, I. (Expert)
23/11/21 → 10/07/22
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Identification of plasma biomarkers for dynamic monitoring of chemotherapy efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
Daneberga, Z. (Project leader), Garben, J. (Participant), Kuzņecova, E. (Participant) & Berger, A. (Participant)
26/07/21 → 25/07/22
Project: RSU grants
Development of screening algorithm for high breast and ovarian cancer risk by analysis of spectrum of predisposing mutations and their phenotypic manifestations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Participant), Maksimenko, J. (Participant), Loža, P. (Participant), Līcīte, B. (Participant), Tauvena, E. (Participant), Ukleikins, S. (Participant) & Subatniece, S. (Project leader)
12/07/21 → 11/07/22
Project: RSU grants
Identification of novel endogenous controls for accurate qPCR normalization in 2D v/s 3D triple negative breast cancer cell line model
Jain, N. (Project leader), Cekstere, A. A. (Project leader), Kezika, S. (Project leader), Abbo, B. (Project leader) & Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Leading expert)
9/04/21 → 8/04/22
Project: Student projects
Support for involving doctoral students in scientific research and studies
Bartuševiča, S. (Administrative manager), Sīle, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lifšics, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Līcīte, B. (Expert (PhD student)), Zdanovskis, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Kiseļova, O. (Expert (PhD student)), Sokolovska, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Vinogradova, V. V. (Expert (PhD student)), Vizgunova-Vikmane, E. E. (Expert (PhD student)), Miļuna-Meldere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Šneidere, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Semjonova, G. (Expert (PhD student)), Kigitoviča, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Kļaviņa-Makrecka, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Madelāne, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Šitovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Kļaviņa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Balcere, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Vanaga, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Lakiša, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Grinciuns, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Mieze, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Leidere-Reine, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Dzudzilo, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Ozola, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Avena, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Brečs, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Kiščenko, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Krūmiņa, J. (Expert (PhD student)), Lucāne, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Meidrops, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuļigina, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Savicka, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Savickis, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Vargulis, M. (Expert (PhD student)) & Zariņš, K. (Expert (PhD student))
European Social Fund, Latvia State Budget funding
1/04/21 → 30/11/23
Project: EU Structural Funds › ESF
Biomarkers for early diagnosis of bladder tumor
Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Project leader) & Bitiņa-Barlote, Ē. (Assistant (student))
1/12/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Methodology for application of normal and malignant breast tissue-derived organoid culture as a model for diagnostic extracellular vesicle discovery
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Mitre, I. (Expert), Nitisa, D. (Expert), Vilne, B. (Leading expert) & Jain, N. (Assistant (student))
1/09/20 → 31/08/21
Project: RSU grants
Hypoxia associated biomarkers in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines for personalized therapy
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Vilne, B. (Participant), Pirsko, V. (Participant), Mitre, I. (Participant) & Nitisa, D. (Participant)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: RSU grants
Non-invasive diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for bladder tumor early diagnosis and prediction
Gardovskis, J. (Project leader), Miklaševičs, E. (Participant), Daneberga, Z. (Participant), Plonis, J. (Participant), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Participant), Kriķe, N. (Participant), Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Participant) & Garben, J. (Participant)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: RSU grants
Impact of Targeted Molecular Imaging with 18F-PSMA-1007 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT in Multimodal Evaluation of Recurrent Prostate
Radziņa, M. (Project leader), Vjaters, E. (Expert), Roznere, L. (Expert), Liepa, M. (Expert), Saule, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lioznovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Mamis, E. (Expert (PhD student)) & Ratniece, M. (Assistant (student))
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Identification of subgroups for escalating and de-escalating treatment in breast cancer by combined use of clinical-pathological and genomic tests
Irmejs, A. (Project leader), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Leading expert), Maksimenko, J. (Leading expert), Loža, P. (Expert) & Līcīte, B. (Expert)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: RSU grants
Recapitulation of transcriptomic and phenotypical characteristics of primary breast tumours in spheroid and organoid 3D cultures in vitro as a potential model for personalised medicine
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Participant), Nitisa, D. (Participant) & Irmejs, A. (Participant)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: RSU grants
Prolonged hypoxia induced differential protein signatures in BRCA1 +/- triple negative breast cancer cell lines
Daneberga, Z. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert) & Vorslova, S. (Leading expert)
Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany
1/02/19 → 31/10/19
Project: Other projects
Biomarkers of altered gut microbiome in children with autism spectra disorders
Miklaševičs, E. (Project leader), Daneberga, Z. (Expert), Masinska, M. (Participant), Mūrmane, D. (Participant), Čupāne, L. (Participant), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Participant), Isarova, D. (Participant) & Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Participant)
1/12/18 → 28/02/21
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
HEPAMUT: Mutated neo-antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma
Miklaševičs, E. (Project leader), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Reitere, G. (Participant) & Vilmanis, J. (Expert)
20/02/17 → 19/02/20
Project: EU Programmes › ERA-NET
ITFoC: Information Technology: The Future of Cancer Treatment
Benhabiles, N. (Project leader), Miklaševičs, E. (Partner's coordinator), Kuzņecova, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert) & Kriķe, N. (Participant)
1/02/17 → 31/01/22
Project: EU Programmes › ERA-NET