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Vienotu Ārpusģimenes aprūpes atbalstu centru īstenoto mācību programmu vērtēšanas kritēriju izstrāde, specializēto audžuģimeņu mācību programmas izvērtēšana un aktualizēšana
Koļesņikova, J. (Expert)
7/10/24 → 10/12/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
CONTRACT No 3-L-9/27/2024 On laboratory trial services
Mohylyuk, V. (Project leader) & Kukuls, K. (Expert)
26/06/24 → 23/08/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Pētījums par psihologa pakalpojuma nodrošināšanu bērniem ar smagu saslimšanu vai invaliditāti un viņu tuviniekiem
Gulbe, Z. (Expert (PhD student))
13/05/24 → 30/11/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Rapporteurs during AMR Conference
Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Project leader), Spriņģe, L. (Leading expert) & Kursīte, M. (Leading expert)
9/11/23 → 20/12/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Immediate-Release Taste-Masked Pellets of Sodium Warfarin: Formulation Toward the Dose Personalization
Kovalenko, L. (Participant), Kukuls, K. (Participant), Žogota, M. (Participant) & Mohylyuk, V. (Project leader)
30/10/23 → 15/05/24
Project: Student projects
HQ SACT/NATO -2023 EG Technologies Event projekta Medical Management Prototype (MMP)
Pļaviņa, L. (Partner's coordinator)
23/10/23 → 27/10/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Machine Learning Allowed Drug Release Individualization from FDM 3D-Printed Oral Dosage Form
Jelmanovs, A. (Participant), Edelmers, E. (Project leader), Boločko, K. (Work package leader) & Mohylyuk, V. (Work package leader)
20/10/23 → 25/03/24
Project: Student projects
ERASMUS + programmas Pamatdarbības Nr. 1 (KA 1) skolu sektora projekts “The next level!” ietvaros,
Gulbe, Z. (Participant)
17/10/23 → 27/02/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Drug-Loaded Polymeric Implants for Prosthesis: Theoretical Substantiation, Pre-formulation, Formulation, and Characterization
Paulausks, A. (Project leader), Mohylyuk, V. (Supervisor) & Lauberte, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/23 → 18/08/24
Project: PhD projects
Skin Addict
Hartmane, I. (Expert), Mikažāns, I. (Expert) & Zink, A. (Project leader)
21/09/23 → 11/12/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Collaborative Online International Learning course “Planning and Development of Health Promotion Programs”
Bukova-Žideļūna, A. (Project leader) & Ivanovs, A. (Expert)
Texas International Education Consortium
18/09/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Other projects
Sub-project "Testing Mylome’s new products of intimate cosmetics" of the project "Technology Business Centre" (ID N0. 1.1-14/2021/449) of the PROTOTECH programme
Reinis, A. (Project leader), Bērza, N. (Leading expert), Gailīte, L. (Leading expert), Lazovska, M. (Expert), Vīksne, K. (Expert) & Ciematnieks, R. (Expert)
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
14/09/23 → 29/02/24
Project: EEZ/Norway grants
Design and Characterization of Nanofibers Prepared by Electrospinning as an Advanced Alternative to Hot-Melt Extrusion
Viter, R. (Project leader) & Mohylyuk, V. (Partner's coordinator)
4/09/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Improving Apparent Solubility and Release Rate of the Model Poorly Soluble Drug via Polymer-Based Composites Fabricated by Electrospinning Technique
Viter, R. (Project leader) & Mohylyuk, V. (Partner's coordinator)
4/09/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Linking serum antibodies to exercise intolerance and muscle/neuronal fatigue in ME/CFS
Prusty, B. K. (Project leader)
1/09/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Establishment of Training center infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory
Jokste, I. (Project leader)
1/09/23 → 29/12/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Conducting of an assessment of the situation in the field of smoke and smokeless tobacco products in Latvia and development of recommendations for promoting public health
Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Project leader), Isajeva, L. (Leading expert) & Ozoliņa, K. (Leading expert)
31/08/23 → 29/12/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
“Expert examination of the instruments for assessment and provision of emotional well-being in Educational institutions of Latvia”
Koļesņikova, J. (Project leader), Perepjolkina, V. (Leading expert), Bite, D. (Leading expert), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Krone, I. (Expert) & Gulbe, Z. (Expert)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
3/08/23 → 15/11/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Effect of different dosage forms of topical antibacterial agents on bacterial counts in the pharyngeal mucosa of patients with pharyngitis
Reinis, A. (Project leader), Gintere, S. (Leading expert), Vārna, V. (Expert), Kokina, H. (Expert), Zašibajevs, O. (Assistant (student)), Tolstiks, A. (Assistant (student)), Safina, T. (Assistant (student)) & Verbovenko, K. (Assistant (student))
1/08/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Study on the ability of Betulogel, a cosmetic product containing high specific surface birch bark extract, to reduce skin pigmentation
Hartmane, I. (Project leader), Mikažāns, I. (Leading expert) & Bondare-Ansberga , V. (Expert)
15/07/23 → 15/10/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Formulation of Resveratrol in the Form of Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) in Order to Improve its Solubility and Bioavailability
Sadkova-Čuhova, J. (Participant), Žogota, M. (Expert), Šitovs, A. (Participant), Pētersone, L. (Work package leader) & Mohylyuk, V. (Project leader)
28/06/23 → 15/05/24
Project: Student projects
Improving the Solubility and Bioavailability of Poorly Soluble Drug Silibinin via Formulation in the Form of Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS)
Altenburga, P. (Participant), Žogota, M. (Expert), Šitovs, A. (Participant), Pētersone, L. (Work package leader) & Mohylyuk, V. (Project leader)
26/06/23 → 15/05/24
Project: Student projects
Saskaņā ar SIA “Projektu un kvalitātes vadība” noslēgto līgumu ar LR Labklājības ministriju “Līgums par metodikas izstrādi sociālajam darbam ar senioriem” Nr. Nr. LM2022/24-1-1321/91-e iepirkuma Nr. LRLM2022/28-3-03/14 ESF “Metodikas izstrāde sociālajam darbam ar senioriem”
Ābele, A. (Project leader)
22/06/23 → 1/11/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
3D Printing Methods: Looking for the Perspective Applications in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Kovalenko, L. (Participant) & Mohylyuk, V. (Project leader)
1/06/23 → 30/10/23
Project: Student projects
Age is not an obstacle III
Valters, M. (Project leader) & Staķe, D. (Partner's coordinator)
15/05/23 → 30/11/24
Project: EEZ/Norway grants
VEBIS: 017 “Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies (VEBIS) of COVID-19 and Influenza, Lot 2”
Zavadska, D. (Project leader), Barzdina, E. (Assistant (student)) & Snipe, H. (Project leader)
3/05/23 → 3/05/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Southern, Central and/or Eastern Europe
Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Project leader) & Poplavska, E. (Leading expert)
17/04/23 → 15/09/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Development of strategies for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk detection and management by analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations
Irmejs, A. (Project leader)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Determination of nutrients in food products and creation of a mobile application for patients and healthcare professionals to be used in case of specific therapy
Gailīte, L. (Project leader)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Chronic hypoxia-induced cell viability and mitochondrial priming assessment in breast cancer cell lines / Hroniskas hipoksijas ierosinātās šūnu dzīvotspējas un mitohondriālās apoptozes noteikšana krūts vēža šūnu līnijās
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert), Mitre, I. (Participant) & Cekstere, A. A. (Participant)
3/04/23 → 1/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Computational Fluid Dynamics solver for drug dissolution and transport
Brangule, A. (Project leader) & Žīgure, I. (Assistant (student))
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
SPACE-COG: Spatial factors and scales as markers in the identification of cognitive dysfunction
Stepens, A. (Project leader)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
From peripheral immune response to neuroinflammation: exploring causal links between human herpesvirus-6 infection and non-communicable diseases
Skuja, S. (Project leader), Svirskis, Š. (Participant), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Participant), Groma, V. (Participant), Naumovs, V. (Participant), Jain, N. (Participant), Gulbe, A. I. (Participant), Kliemane, A. (Participant) & Nigolasa, L. (Participant)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
AI&HHP4Bi: Artificial intelligence and high hydrostatic pressure for sterile biomaterials
Skadiņš, I. (Project leader), Brangule, A. (Participant) & Vircava, A. (Assistant (student))
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Introducing HIV self-testing in Latvia – pilot for key groups
Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Project leader) & Maļina, L. (Expert)
1/04/23 → 31/03/24
Project: Other projects
Investigating the expression and distribution of target receptors in neurons and glial cells of neuropathic pain and epilepsy patients to improve the design of photopharmacological modulation
Groma, V. (Project leader) & Skuja, S. (Participant)
1/04/23 → 31/03/24
Project: RSU grants
Antioxidative capacity in non-alcoholic berry-fruit wines
Lece, A. (Project leader)
21/03/23 → 20/03/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control videogame and home- based, self-administered non-invasive brain simulation an alleviating depression
Rancāns, E. (Project leader)
15/03/23 → 31/01/24
Project: Contract research › Scientific services
Preparation of Polymer-Based Amorphous Solid Dispersions of Poorly Soluble Drugs With a Bad Glass-Forming Ability
Mohylyuk, V. (Participant) & Kolisnyk, T. (Participant)
13/03/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
KiVA: Monitoring Study of KiVa Prevention and Early Intervention Programme on the Prevalence of Bullying Among Pupils
Spriņģe, L. (Project leader), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Gobiņa, I. (Leading expert) & Maļina, L. (Assistant (student))
28/02/23 → 5/10/23
Project: Contract research › Scientific services
Pilot study newborn screening for spinal muscular athropy
Gailīte, L. (Project leader)
16/02/23 → 28/09/23
Project: Contract research › Scientific services
Assessment and analysis of anthropometric parameter before and after Combat fitness course
Pļaviņa, L. (Project leader)
30/01/23 → 26/06/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
AI4ExceptionalEd: The NSF AI Institute for Transforming Education for Children with Speech and Language Processing Challenges
Savicka, L. (Assistant (student))
23/01/23 → 21/05/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Development of data monitoring algorithms to reduce energy consumption in buildings taking into account comfort parameters and human productivity
Vanadziņš, I. (Project leader), Kaļužnaja, D. (Expert), Kaļķis, H. (Expert) & Martinsone, Ž. (Expert)
18/01/23 → 20/04/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Staff mobility between Riga Stradins University and University of Iceland to establish scientific collaboration in the nutrition field
Veseta, U. (Project leader)
EEZ and Norway Grants, Latvia State Budget funding
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: EEZ/Norway grants
Vienotā bērnu agrīnās attīstības skrīninga metodisko instrumentu komplekta izstrāde
Rascevska, M. (Project leader), Bezborodovs, Ņ. (Expert), Vabale, A. (Expert) & Grope, I. (Expert)
27/12/22 → 24/01/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Pētījums par sociālemocionālo, uzvedības un citu attīstības risku izplatību bērnu kohortā
Rascevska, M. (Project leader), Bezborodovs, Ņ. (Expert), Vabale, A. (Expert) & Grope, I. (Expert)
27/12/22 → 24/01/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Increasing FAIRness of data processing in Occupational Health and Safety
Kreišmanis, I. (Project leader), Vanadziņš, I. (Leading expert), Lakiša, S. (Expert) & Paegle, L. (Expert)
Technopolis Consulting Group Belgium SRL
22/12/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Other projects
“Klīnisko algoritmu, klīnisko ceļu un kvalitātes indikatoru izstrāde onkoloģijā un bērnu (sākot ar neonatālo periodu) aprūpes jomā” (iepirkuma identifikācijas Nr.VM 2022/29/ESF)
Staņēviča, V. (Project leader)
21/12/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
State research project in the field of biomedicine, medical technologies and pharmacy
Lejnieks, A. (Partner's coordinator), Karelis, G. (Leading expert), Gardovska, D. (Leading expert), Ābola, Z. (Leading expert), Miklaševičs, E. (Leading expert), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Gardovskis, J. (Leading expert), Pētersons, A. (Leading expert), Kļaviņš, K. (Expert), Kroiča, J. (Leading expert), Skadiņš, I. (Leading expert), Vīksna, L. (Leading expert), Dimiņa, E. (Expert), Sniedze, D. (Participant), Karlsons, J. (Participant), Broks, R. (Participant), Gravele, D. (Expert), Rozentālberga, A. (Expert), Kanašniece, E. (Expert), Konrāde, I. (Leading expert), Trušinskis, K. (Leading expert), Strēle, I. (Leading expert), Kaļiņins, A. (Expert), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Radziņš, O. (Expert), Bāgante, I. (Leading expert), Koļesova, O. (Leading expert), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Leading expert), Koļesovs, A. (Expert), Mičule, M. (Participant), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Leading expert), Kande, L. (Expert), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Leading expert), Vjaters, E. (Leading expert), Lietuvietis, V. (Leading expert), Plonis, J. (Leading expert), Bitiņa-Barlote, Ē. (Expert), Ieviņa, L. (Participant), Fortūna, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Pētersons, A. (Participant), Pastare, D. (Expert), Pugovičs, O. (Project leader), Silina, S. (Participant), Zemčugova-Bērziņa, A. (Participant), Tihomirova, Ļ. (Participant), Maļina, L. (Participant) & Kozačenko, J. (Participant)
1/12/22 → 30/11/24
Project: National Research Programme