Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
Department of Psychiatry and Narcology is involved in pre and post graduate training in psychiatry of different health care professionals, as well as supervising doctoral students.
Members of the department have participated in numerous research projects, international and local clinical trials, published many referenced articles, presented posters at national and international congresses.
Main areas of interest and expertise in research:
* Epidemiology, clinical features and risk factors for affective and neurotic disorders in the general population and clinical settings
* Prevalence, risk factors for, clinical features of different types of psychotic disorders
* Suicidal behaviour in the general population and risk factors for suicide attempts/ suicides in clinical settings
* Psychopharmacological treatment of affective and psychotic disorders * Early detection of first episode psychosis and development of early intervention programmes *
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Marija Lazareva
- Department of Psychiatry and Narcology - Acting Researcher - Doctoral Student, Lecturer (Staff)
Person: Ph.D. student
Improving screening and diagnostics of postpartum depression in women receiving outpatient postpartum care
Lazareva, M. (Project leader), Rancāns, E. (Supervisor) & Renemane, Ļ. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 29/09/28
Project: PhD projects
Doctoral grant for RSU and LASE PhD students
Edelmers, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Gavrilova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Lucāne, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Elksne, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Lazovska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Miķelsone, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Griķe, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Antonovičs, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Kivrāne, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Semenistaja, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Ļubina, O. (Expert (PhD student)), Ivanova, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Kaņepa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Glāzere, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Nikolajeva, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Saliņa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Rozevska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Ničiporuka, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Mičko, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Ruža, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Lapiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlers, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Rubene, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lejnieks, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Līkopa, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Kozlovs, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Reine, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Palkova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Karulis, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuļigina, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Kalniņa, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Svempe, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Saukuma, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Juberte-Krūmiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Kovaļovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Sinulingga, A. R. (Expert (PhD student)), Iļjins, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Laviņš, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Šteinmane, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Spundiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Bleidelis, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Martinsone, S. S. (Expert (PhD student)), Teteris, L. E. (Expert (PhD student)), Jakovics, M. (Expert (PhD student)) & Nerets, R. (Expert (PhD student))
2/09/24 → 31/05/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Advancing Postpartum Depression Care in Latvia
Rancāns, E. (Project leader), Renemane, Ļ. (Expert), Vinogradova, V. V. (Expert), Rubene, L. (Expert), Lazareva, M. (Assistant (student)), Ķīse, L. (Expert), Pipere, A. (Expert), Mārtinsone, K. (Leading expert) & Vende-Kotova, K. (Project leader)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
An expert review of clozapine in Eastern European countries: Use, regulations and pharmacovigilance
Sagud, M., Breznoscakova, D., Celofiga, A., Chihai, J., Chkonia, E., Ristic Ignjatovic, D., Injac Stevovic, L., Kopecek, M., Kurvits, K., Kuzo, N., Lazáry, J., Mazaliauskienė, R., Mladina Perisa, D., Novotni, A., Panov, G., Pikirenia, U., Rădulescu, F. Ș., Sukiasyan, S. G., Taube, M. & Tomori, S. & 4 others, , Jun 2024, In: Schizophrenia Research. 268, p. 53-59 7 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
13 Citations (Scopus) -
Clinician treatment choices for post-traumatic stress disorder: ambassadors survey of psychiatrists in 39 European countries
Rojnic Kuzman, M. (Corresponding Author), Padberg, F., Amann, B. L., Schouler-Ocak, M., Bajic, Z., Melartin, T., James, A., Beezhold, J., Artigue Gómez, J., Arango, C., Jendricko, T., Ismayilov, J., Flannery, W., Chumakov, E., Başar, K., Vahip, S., Dudek, D., Samochowiec, J., Mihajlovic, G. & Rota, F. & 27 others, , 7 Mar 2024, In: European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 67, 1, p. e24Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile11 Downloads (Pure) -
Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool
Benedetti, A. (Corresponding Author) & Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Group, 4 Nov 2024, In: JAMA network open. 7, 11, p. e2429630Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Downloads (Pure)
Factors related to COVID-19 preventive behaviors
Šuriņa, S. (Creator), Mārtinsone, K. (Creator), Perepjolkina, V. (Creator), Kolesnikova, J. (Creator), Vainik, U. (Creator), Ruža , A. (Creator), Vrubļevska, J. (Creator), Smirnova, D. (Creator), Fountoulakis, K. N. (Creator) & Rancāns, E. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 21 Apr 2021
DOI: 10.48510/FK2/FJG7CM,
Mental health and associated factors in the general population of Latvia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rancāns, E. (Creator), Vrubļevska, J. (Creator), Aleskere, I. (Creator), Rezgale, B. (Creator) & Sibalova, A. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 9 Feb 2021
DOI: 10.25143/FK2/0MQSI9,
Acknowledgment by RSU Research department for ZDIS Pure profile update within “Izcel gaismā padarīto” event
Renemane, Ļ. (Recipient), Nov 2022
Prize: Other distinction
BMC Psychiatry (Journal)
Rancāns, E. (Reviewer of journal article)
2 Jan 2025Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Publication Peer-review
Pusaudžu uzvedības problēmu un emocionālā stāvokļa novērtēšanas skrīninga instrumenta teorētiskais ietvars un struktūra
Gulbe, Z. (Speaker), Perepjolkina, V. (Co-author), Koļesņikova, J. (Co-author), Krone, I. (Co-author), Bezborodovs, Ņ. (Co-author), Nauzere, L. (Co-author) & Stepens, A. (Co-author)
30 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
EClinicalMedicine (Journal)
Rancāns, E. (Reviewer of journal article)
19 Nov 2024Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Publication Peer-review
Pēcdzemdību depresija pagaidīs? Par to un vardarbību dzemdībās joprojām tikai diskutē.
1 Media contribution
Pēcdzemdību depresija pagaidīs? Par to un vardarbību dzemdībās joprojām tikai diskutē.
1 Media contribution
Intervija ar Psihiatrijas un narkoloģijas katedras vadītāju Elmāru Rancānu
1 Media contribution