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- 1 - 50 out of 119 results
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CAREC CTTN 2024: CAREC CTTN "Carbon tax in the Kyrgyz Republic
Sharshenova, A. (Expert) & Sabyrbekov, R. (Leading expert)
5/05/24 → 16/11/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Valsts pārvaldes iestāžu komunikācijas izvērtējums
Šķestere, L. (Participant)
20/12/23 → 20/11/24
Project: Projects outside RSU
Language Technology Solutions - CNECT/LUX/2022/OP/0030 – LOT 1 (EMW)
Ozoliņa, L. (Project leader) & Saulītis, A. (Leading expert)
20/10/23 → 31/10/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Underexplored social history of Latvian Radio and Latvian Television: radio and television audience research in Soviet Latvia (phase2)
Juzefovičs, J. (Project leader)
State Culture Capital Foundation
1/09/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Other projects
Quality assessment of projects implemented by the Media support Fund programmes in 2022
Rožukalne, A. (Project leader), Juzefovičs, J. (Leading expert), Ozoliņa, L. (Expert) & Zamerovska, D. (Administrative manager)
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
3/08/23 → 30/10/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
“Expert examination of the instruments for assessment and provision of emotional well-being in Educational institutions of Latvia”
Koļesņikova, J. (Project leader), Perepjolkina, V. (Leading expert), Bite, D. (Leading expert), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Krone, I. (Expert) & Gulbe, Z. (Expert)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
3/08/23 → 15/11/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
The energy trilemma in the Baltic Sea Region: a methodology for an index assessing the discursive environment of energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability
Kleinberga, V. (Project leader) & Kärn, J. (Project leader)
Baltisch-Deutsches HochschulKontor
1/06/23 → 21/12/23
Project: Other projects
Pētījums “Mazu bērnu vecāku tiesību ievērošana reglamentētajās profesijās”
Bite, K. (Expert), Kudeikina, I. (Project leader), Palkova, K. (Administrative manager), Juļa, L. (Expert) & Lieljuksis, A. (Expert)
17/05/23 → 21/11/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
CAREC CTTN 2023: CAREC CTTN "Decarbonization and digitalization in Central Asia"
Sharshenova, A. (Expert), Sabyrbekov, R. (Leading expert) & Sulaimanova, B. (Expert)
1/05/23 → 15/11/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
File -
Best Practice University: Transformation and Adaptation Process in Challenging Environments
Palkova, K. (Project leader)
Latvia State Budget funding, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
1/03/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Other projects
Policing in a Multicultural Environment: Reducing Stereotypes
Mihailovs, I. J. (Expert)
26/10/22 → 28/02/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Strategic and Change Management
Kalve, I. (Project leader)
1/10/22 → 30/11/22
Project: Projects outside RSU
EurOMo12: Euromedia Ownership Monitor EU 12 – EurOMo12
Rožukalne, A. (Partner's coordinator), Ozoliņa, L. (Expert) & Trappel, J. (Project leader)
European Commission, National public funding
1/10/22 → 30/09/23
Project: EU Programmes › Other
Metodoloģijas izstrāde senioru intervēšanai
Sedlenieks, K. (Project leader) & Lūse, A. (Work package leader)
5/05/22 → 8/07/22
Project: Contract research › R&D project
The Strategic Education Innovation Project Support Program
Šķestere, L. (Project leader)
25/04/22 → 9/11/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
China's Role and Perception in the Baltic States: Implications for National Security and NATO
Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (Project leader), Andžāns, M. (Project leader) & Kante, J. (Administrative manager)
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
6/04/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Other projects
Willingness to Defend One’s Own Country During Inter-state Confrontation: the Case of Latvia and Ukraine During the Exacerbation in Relations with Russia in 2021 and 2022
Andžāns, M. (Project leader) & Djatkoviča, E. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Socio-economic context assessment of food waste generation in Latvia
Dāce, E. (Project leader), Kleinberga, V. (Expert (PhD student)) & Soloha, R. (Expert (PhD student))
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Patient safety incident reporting and learning system: ethical and legal perspective
Palkova, K. (Project leader), Kudeikina, I. (Expert) & Lieljuksis, A. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Scientific conference “Legal comparsion to the regulations for remote treatment between Germany and the Baltic States"
Palkova, K. (Project leader)
Baltisch-Deutsches HochschulKontor
15/02/22 → 31/10/22
Project: Other projects
SkillTrack: Skills Tracking System as a Digital Solution for Student-Centred Learning "SkillTrack"
Korvena Kosakovska, A. (Project leader), Strods, R. (Leading expert), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Leading expert), Grigoroviča, E. (Expert), Stars, I. (Expert), Sīlis, M. (Expert), Doniņš, U. (Expert), Blumberga, M. (Expert), Grase, D. (Expert), Rozenbergs, D. (Expert), Kārkliņa, A. (Expert), Rupaine, S. (Expert), Vilka, L. (Expert), Slavinska, A. (Expert), Kadakovska, Z. (Other), Filoņenko, L. (Other) & Vīlips, K. (Other)
3/01/22 → 2/01/24
Project: EU Programmes › Erasmus+
Latvijas klīniskā personības testa publicēšanas, uzturēšanas un papildinājumu izstrādes pakalpojumus elektroniskajā vidē
Stepens, A. (Project leader), Perepjolkina, V. (Leading expert) & Kolesnikova, J. (Leading expert)
20/12/21 → 20/12/21
Project: Other projects
Clinical Personality Inventory (stage II)
Stepens, A. (Project leader), Koļesņikova, J. (Leading expert), Perepjolkina, V. (Leading expert) & Zamerovska, D. (Administrative manager)
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
1/12/21 → 30/06/22
Project: EU Structural Funds › ERDF
Media Literacy in the Baltics (Phase 2)
Skulte, I. (Project leader)
The International Research and Exchanges board
1/11/21 → 28/02/23
Project: Other projects
Izvērtējums par 2020.gadā īstenoto Mediju atbalsta fonda programmu nozīmi Latvijas mediju vides daudzveidībai un kvalitātei, kā arī 2021.gada Mediju atbalsta fonda nolikumu izvērtējums
Rožukalne, A. (Project leader), Kažoka, A. (Expert) & Peipiņa, A. (Expert)
29/10/21 → 15/11/21
Project: Contract research › R&D project
The role of parasocial relationships between social media content creators and their audiences in behavior change among Generation Z and Generation Y: adapting green policies within the framework of NextGenerationEU in the Baltic States (2021-2024).
Ševeļovs, D. A. (Project leader) & Skulte, I. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Heoretical and practical problems of criminal law regulation of application of coercive measures to legal entities
Jansons, M. (Project leader) & Lieljuksis, A. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
The institute of the beneficial owner, its international regulation and possibilities for improvement in the legal framework of Latvia
Kamiševa, D. (Project leader) & Grasis, J. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Atbalsta mehānismi klīnisko universitāšu slimnīcu ārstniecības personāla tālākizglītībā Latvijā
Baidekalne, D. (Project leader) & Koķe, T. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Military Tensions between the US and China - the Taiwan question
Kante, J. (Project leader) & Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U. A. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
MPM: Media Pluralism Monitor 2022
Rožukalne, A. (Project leader)
1/10/21 → 30/04/22
Project: Projects outside RSU
The interaction of internal factors and players in the participation of small states in the internal political crises of other countries: the case of the involvement of the Baltic States and the Nordic countries in the 2020 post-election crisis in Belarus
Djatkoviča, E. (Project leader) & Andžāns, M. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Latvijā veidoto krievvalodīgo mediju attīstība, daudzveidība un žurnālistikas kultūra
Līdaka, G. (Project leader) & Rožukalne, A. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Problematic issues of the health care system in emergency situations
Broks, E. (Project leader) & Palkova, K. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Prettiesisku darbību novēršanas problemātika pašvaldībās
Bērziņa, I. (Project leader) & Lieljuksis, A. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Implementation of a sustainable business model in food production companies in Latvia
Martinsone-Ozoliņa, L. (Project leader) & Dovladbekova, I. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Skills monitoring for the improvement of human resource management systems in medical institutions in Latvia
Grigoroviča, E. (Project leader), Muravska, T. (Supervisor) & Bahs, G. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: PhD projects
Online glossary of educational terms
Laiveniece, D. (Project leader), Koķe, T. (Partner's coordinator) & Laizāne, I. (Expert)
2/08/21 → 31/08/23
Project: EU Structural Funds › ESF
Countries’ engagement in other countries’ crises – factors that influence decision: cases of Belarus and Ukraine
Andžāns, M. (Project leader), Djatkoviča, E. (Participant) & Palkova, A. (Participant)
26/07/21 → 25/07/22
Project: RSU grants
HAPI: EQAVET-European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points projekts NR.101048484-HAPI
Mihailova, S. (Project leader)
1/07/21 → 31/08/23
Project: Projects outside RSU
Underexplored social history of Latvian Radio and Latvian Television: radio and television audience research in Soviet Latvia
Juzefovičs, J. (Project leader)
State Culture Capital Foundation
1/07/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Other projects
Making sense of the Covid-19 crisis: information-seeking and trust-making strategies of the Baltic media audiences at the times of the coronavirus pandemic
Juzefovičs, J. (Project leader)
1/06/21 → 31/05/22
Project: Projects outside RSU
Support for RTU international cooperation projects in research and innovations
Ozoliņa, L. (Other)
30/05/21 → 21/12/21
Project: Projects outside RSU
Support for involving doctoral students in scientific research and studies
Bartuševiča, S. (Administrative manager), Sīle, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lifšics, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Līcīte, B. (Expert (PhD student)), Zdanovskis, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Kiseļova, O. (Expert (PhD student)), Sokolovska, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Vinogradova, V. V. (Expert (PhD student)), Vizgunova-Vikmane, E. E. (Expert (PhD student)), Miļuna-Meldere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Šneidere, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Semjonova, G. (Expert (PhD student)), Kigitoviča, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Kļaviņa-Makrecka, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Madelāne, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Šitovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Kļaviņa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Balcere, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Vanaga, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Lakiša, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Grinciuns, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Mieze, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Berga-Švītiņa, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Leidere-Reine, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Dzudzilo, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Ozola, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Avena, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Brečs, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Kiščenko, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Krūmiņa, J. (Expert (PhD student)), Lucāne, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Meidrops, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuļigina, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Savicka, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Savickis, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Vargulis, M. (Expert (PhD student)) & Zariņš, K. (Expert (PhD student))
European Social Fund, Latvia State Budget funding
1/04/21 → 30/11/23
Project: EU Structural Funds › ESF
MEDIADELCOM: Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative Communication: Development Scenarios of the European Media Landscape
Harro-Loit, H. (Project leader), Rožukalne, A. (Partner's coordinator), Stakle, A. (Expert) & Skulte, I. (Expert)
1/03/21 → 29/02/24
Project: EU Programmes › Horizon 2020
DITEPRACT: Digital And Hybrid Teaching And Learning Of Practical Skills In Higher Education “DITEPRACT”
Grigoroviča, E. (Partner's coordinator), Strods, R. (Leading expert), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Leading expert), Blumberga, M. (Expert), Ļuļļa, M. (Expert), Slavinska, A. (Leading expert), Oborins, A. (Expert) & Filoņenko, L. (Other)
1/03/21 → 28/02/23
Project: EU Programmes › Erasmus+
Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC) as base of the next generation PPP model
Atstāja, D. (Project leader), Grasis, J. (Work package leader), Avena, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Leimanis, A. (Expert (PhD student)) & Jukna, T. (Expert (PhD student))
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Mindful tourism services for mentally disordered people
Lūse, A. (Expert)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Projects outside RSU
Open educational resource: forensic science
Palkova, K. (Project leader), Zīle, A. (Expert) & Grasis, J. (Leading expert)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: EU Programmes › Joint Programming Initiative
CLINAP: From indifference to making difference in climate policy: improving the interaction between political narrative and societal perceptions in Latvia
Kleinberga, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Sprūds, A. (Project leader), Metla-Rozentāle, L. (Expert), Skulte, I. (Leading expert), Blumfelde-Rutka, K. (Expert), Dāce, E. (Leading expert), Palkova, A. (Assistant (student)), Vašuka, D. (Assistant (student)), Kliedere, S. (Assistant (student)) & Ševeļovs, D. A. (Assistant (student))
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme