Projects per year
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Dace Reihmane
- Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry - Assistant Professor
- Laboratory of Sports and Nutrition Research - Scientific Expert
- 2 Active
TCReX: Tumour cell response to acute aerobic exercise in breast cancer survivors: modulatory effects of exercise type and intensity
Gersone, G. (Project leader), Reihmane, D. (Work package leader), Kļaviņa, A. (Work package leader), Laizāne, L. (Assistant (student)) & Dela, F. (Project leader)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
EXPOSE: Systemic and muscle tissue-specific metabolic adaptations to EXercise and POlyphenol supplementation in aging: modulatory effects of SEstrins (EXPOSE)
Reihmane, D. (Project leader), Gersone, G. (Expert), Kļaviņa, A. (Expert), Gailīte, L. (Expert), Vilne, B. (Expert), Zuša, A. (Work package leader), Raudeniece, J. (Expert (PhD student)), Lismane, D. (Assistant (student)), Dela, F. (Partner's coordinator), Flensted-Jensen, M. (Participant), Guadalupe-Grau, A. (Partner's coordinator), Brownlee, I. (Partner's coordinator) & Pivovarova Ramich, O. (Partner's coordinator)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index as Predictors of Metabolic Syndrome in Schoolchildren (PACH Study)
Raudeniece, J. (Corresponding Author), Justamente, I., Ozoliņa-Moll, L., Soboļevs, A., Zolovs, M., Dela, F. & Reihmane, D., 7 Dec 2024, In: Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 17, p. 4675-4687 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Downloads (Pure) -
The impact of digital technology on the physical health of Older Workers: Protocol for a Scoping Review: Protocol for a Scoping Review
Spijker, J. J. A. (Corresponding Author), Barlin, H., Grad, D. A., Gu, Y., Kļaviņa, A., Yaylagul, N. K., Kulla, G., Orhun, E., Sevcikova, A., Unim, B. & Tofan, C. M., 26 Sept 2024, In: JMIR research protocols. 13, 8 p., e59900.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Downloads (Pure) -
The use of assistive technology to promote practical skills in persons with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities: A systematic review
Kļaviņa, A. (Corresponding Author), Pérez-Fuster, P., Daems, J., Lyhne, C. N., Dervishi, E., Pajalic, Z., Øderud, T., Fuglerud, K. S., Markovska-Simoska, S., Przybyla, T., Klichowski, M., Stiglic, G., Laganovska, E., Alarcão, S. M., Tkaczyk, A. H. & Sousa, C., 1 Jan 2024, In: Digital Health. 10, p. 1 -26 26 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus)
Uz pierādījumiem balstītas fizisko aktivitāšu programmas bērniem un jauniešiem ar invaliditāti: starptautiskā pieredze
Kļaviņa, A. (Invited speaker)
4 Dec 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Workshop on preparation of Impact section for Horizon Europe project proposals: Widening calls and beyond
Reihmane, D. (Participant)
22 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participating in a conference, workshop, ...
The motivational story of experience as active participant of courses organized by the Centre for Educational Growth
Reihmane, D. (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Nozīmīgākais sporta pētījums Latvijā uzņem apgriezienus. Liepājā testē sporta skolu audzēkņus
1 Media contribution
Bērnu un jauniešu vispārējais veselības stāvoklis kļūst aizvien sliktāks. Kāpēc?
1 item of Media coverage
Scientists from four universities begin researching sports activities that benefit physical and mental health
1 item of Media coverage