Projects per year
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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Field of Science
- 3.1 Basic medicine
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Exploring the Autoimmune Dimensions of Fibromyalgia: Deciphering Microbiome, Viral Triggers, and Immunological Patterns to Promote a Patient-Centered Approach
Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Project leader), Murovska, M. (Leading expert), Sokolovska, L. (Expert), Ķēniņa, V. (Expert), Vilmane, A. (Expert) & Ostrinski, Y. (Expert)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Fibromyalgia associated microbiome, viral infection and immunological profile
Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Project leader), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Expert), Ķēniņa, V. (Expert), Svirskis, Š. (Expert), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert) & Vilmane, A. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
Establishment of COVID-19 related biobank and integrated platform for research data in Latvia
Klovins, J. (Project leader), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Partner's coordinator), Vilne, B. (Leading expert), Rozentāle, B. (Leading expert), Vilmane, A. (Expert), Krūmiņa, A. (Leading expert), Terentjeva-Decuka, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Vecvagare, K. (Assistant (student)) & Vaidere, D. (Other)
1/07/20 → 31/03/21
Project: National Research Programme
Clinical, biochemical, immunogenetic paradigms of Covid-19 infection and their correlation with socio-demographic, etiological, pathogenetic, diagnostic, therapeutically and prognostically important factors to be included in guidelines
Vīksna, L. (Project leader), Leja, M. (Work package leader), Murovska, M. (Project leader), Gardovska, D. (Work package leader), Koļesova, O. (Leading expert), Laivacuma, S. (Leading expert), Platkājis, A. (Work package leader), Eglīte, J. (Work package leader), Šķesters, A. (Work package leader), Radziņa, M. (Expert), Stūre, G. (Expert), Zavadska, D. (Expert), Storoženko, J. (Expert), Rozentāle, B. (Expert), Zeltiņa, I. (Expert), Koļesovs, A. (Work package leader), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Expert), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert), Karelis, G. (Expert), Sperga, M. (Expert), Plaudis, H. (Expert), Arāja, D. (Expert), Dzīvīte-Krišāne, I. (Expert), Aleksejeva, E. (Expert), Puķīte, I. (Expert), Grantiņa, I. (Expert), Ivanova, V. (Administrative manager), Ivanovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Arutjuņana, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Vanaga, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Kustovs, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Čistjakovs, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Strojeva, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Sokolovska, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Meiere, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Bajāre, L. (Expert (PhD student)) & Vilmane, A. (Expert (PhD student))
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: National Research Programme
Selection of biomarkers in ME/CFS for patient stratification and treatment surveillance / optimisation
Murovska, M. (Project leader), Berķis, U. (Leading expert), Krūmiņa, A. (Expert), Svirskis, Š. (Expert), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Arāja, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Vilmane, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Vecvagare, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Maksimova, I. (Participant) & Vārna, V. (Participant)
1/01/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Association of Baseline Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein with Expanded Disability Status Score Dynamics in Patients with Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study
Vilmane, A. (Corresponding Author), Koļesova, O., Nora-Krūkle, Z., Koļesovs, A., Pastare, D., Jaunozoliņa, L., Kande, L., Egle, J., Kromane, D., Mičule, M., Liepiņa, S., Zeltiņa, E., Grāvelsiņa, S., Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S., Vīksna, L. & Karelis, G., Jan 2025, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 26, 1, 298.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile -
Human Herpesvirus-6B Infection and Alterations of Gut Microbiome in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study
Ievina, L., Fomins, N., Gudra, D., Kenina, V., Vilmane, A., Gravelsina, S., Rasa-Dzelzkaleja, S., Murovska, M., Fridmanis, D. & Nora-Krukle, Z. (Corresponding Author), 12 Oct 2024, In: Biomolecules. 14, 10, 1291.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Downloads (Pure) -
The unique combination of gut microbiome and viral infection in FM patients
Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Corresponding Author), Santa Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S., Ieviņa, L., Vilmane, A., Grāvelsiņa, S., Fomins, N., Gudra, D., Ķēniņa, V. & Fridmanis, D., 19 May 2024, p. IS061. 1 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster › peer-review
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen, Biomarkers of Inflammation, and Microvascular Flap Thrombosis in Reconstructive Surgery
Rocans, R. P. (Corresponding Author), Zarins, J., Bine, E., Mahauri, I., Deksnis, R., Citovica, M., Donina, S., Vanags, I., Gravelsina, S., Vilmane, A., Rasa-Dzelzkaleja, S. & Mamaja, B., 12 Sept 2024, In: Journal of clinical medicine. 13, 18, 10 p., 5411.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)5 Downloads (Pure) -
Ieviņa, L., Rasa-Dzelzkaleja, S., Vilmane, A., Grāvelsiņa, S., Ķēniņa, V., Svirskis, Š. & Nora-Krūkle, Z., 30 Aug 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 352 1 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Meeting Abstract › peer-review
Biomarkers in the diagnostic algorithm of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Grāvelsiņa, S. (Creator), Vilmane, A. (Creator), Svirskis, Š. (Creator), Krūmiņa, A. (Creator) & Murovska, M. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 18 Nov 2022
DOI: 10.48510/FK2/FLLDQX,
Co-infections in COVID-19 patients in Latvia
Vilmane, A. (Creator), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Creator), Murovska, M. (Creator) & Svirskis, Š. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 19 Feb 2023
DOI: 10.48510/FK2/PLFVPY,
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in various clinical specimens using PCR
Vilmane, A. (Creator), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Creator), Murovska, M. (Creator), Svirskis, Š. (Creator), Sokolovska, L. (Creator) & Čistjakovs, M. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 22 Feb 2023
DOI: 10.48510/FK2/2WVJJB,
Dynamics of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies formation in COVID-19 patients
Vilmane, A. (Creator), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Creator), Murovska, M. (Creator), Svirskis, Š. (Creator) & Grāvelsiņa, S. (Creator), Riga Stradins University, 22 Feb 2023
DOI: 10.48510/FK2/QDLQL1,
Endotoxin Hypothesis in Multiple Sclerosis: Can Endotoxins Drive Neurological Disability?
Vilmane, A. (Speaker), Koļesova, O. (Speaker), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Co-author), Koļesovs, A. (Co-author), Pastare, D. (Co-author), Jaunozoliņa, L. (Co-author), Kande, L. (Co-author), Egle, J. (Co-author), Kromane, D. (Co-author), Mičule, M. (Co-author), Liepina, S. (Co-author), Gravelsina, S. (Co-author), Zeltiņa, E. (Co-author), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Co-author), Vīksna, L. (Co-author) & Karelis, G. (Co-author)
31 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Poster presentation
Subclinical and clinical markers in Multiple Sclerosis patients for prognosis and personalized therapy
Koļesova, O. (Speaker), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Co-author), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Co-author), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Co-author), Vilmane, A. (Co-author), Kande, L. (Co-author), Pastare, D. (Co-author), Mičule, M. (Co-author), Koļesovs, A. (Co-author), Vīksna, L. (Co-author) & Karelis, G. (Co-author)
19 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Presence of Epstein-Barr virus in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Grāvelsiņa, S. (Speaker), Vilmane, A. (Co-author), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Co-author), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Co-author) & Murovska, M. (Co-author)
15 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Poster presentation
Selection of Biomarkers in ME/CFS for Patient Stratification and Treatment Surveillance/Optimization
Murovska, M. (Speaker), Krūmiņa, A. (Co-author), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Co-author), Vilmane, A. (Co-author), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Co-author), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Co-author), Arāja, D. (Co-author), Svirskis, Š. (Co-author) & Berķis, U. (Co-author)
9 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Subklīnisko un klīnisko marķieru identificēšana multiplās sklerozes pacientiem slimības norises prognozei un personalizētai terapijai
Koļesova, O. (Speaker), Koļesovs, A. (Speaker), Karelis, G. (Co-author), Pastare, D. (Co-author), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Co-author), Fridmanis, D. (Co-author), Gudra, D. (Co-author), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Co-author), Vilmane, A. (Co-author), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Co-author) & Vīksna, L. (Co-author)
8 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Poster presentation