Projects per year
- 3 Active
Optimization of prophylactic antibacterial therapy in spinal surgery through mechanical PKPD modelling to reduce the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (OPATS-PKPD)
Kazūne, S. (Project leader), Stalidzāns, E. (Leading expert), Kurlovičs, J. (Expert), Niedra, S. (Expert) & Repņikovs, A. (Assistant (student))
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
Sistēmbioloģiska mitohondriju metabolisma ietekmes analīze iekaisuma procesos sirds un asinsvadu slimībās
Kurlovičs, J. (Project leader) & Stalidzāns, E. (Supervisor)
1/10/24 → 29/09/28
Project: PhD projects
Systems biology based analysis of mitochondrial metabolism as a driver of inflammation in cardiovascular disease development
Stalidzāns, E. (Project leader) & Kurlovičs, J. (Expert)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants