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Association of inflammatory biomarkers with atherosclerotic plaque composition and clinical course of obstructive coronary artery disease
Kokina, B. (Project leader), Trušinskis, K. (Supervisor) & Tretjakovs, P. (Supervisor)
2/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: PhD projects
Effectiveness of using intracoronary physiological flow measurements characterizing coronary microvascular function in the application of stratified medical therapy for patients with defined myocardial perfusion defect without obstructive coronary artery disease
Vītola, B. (Project leader), Trušinskis, K. (Supervisor) & Mintāle, I. (Supervisor)
3/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: PhD projects
The role of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential as a potential driver of cardiovascular diseases and its association with clinical outcome
Trušinskis, K. (Project leader), Vilne, B. (Leading expert), Gailīte, L. (Expert), Rots, D. (Expert), Vīksne, K. (Expert), Kanašniece, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Griķe, I. (Expert (PhD student)) & Uzars, A. (Expert (PhD student))
3/01/22 → 30/12/25
Project: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme
The role of genetic biomarkers in the pathogenesis of early atherosclerosis and their relation with plaque morphology
Knoka, E. (Project leader), Trušinskis, K. (Supervisor) & Vilne, B. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 30/09/25
Project: PhD projects
State research project in the field of biomedicine, medical technologies and pharmacy
Lejnieks, A. (Partner's coordinator), Karelis, G. (Leading expert), Gardovska, D. (Leading expert), Ābola, Z. (Leading expert), Miklaševičs, E. (Leading expert), Daneberga, Z. (Leading expert), Gardovskis, J. (Leading expert), Pētersons, A. (Leading expert), Kļaviņš, K. (Expert), Kroiča, J. (Leading expert), Skadiņš, I. (Leading expert), Vīksna, L. (Leading expert), Dimiņa, E. (Expert), Sniedze, D. (Participant), Karlsons, J. (Participant), Broks, R. (Participant), Gravele, D. (Expert), Rozentālberga, A. (Expert), Kanašniece, E. (Expert), Konrāde, I. (Leading expert), Trušinskis, K. (Leading expert), Strēle, I. (Leading expert), Kaļiņins, A. (Expert), Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A. (Leading expert), Radziņš, O. (Expert), Bāgante, I. (Leading expert), Koļesova, O. (Leading expert), Nora-Krūkle, Z. (Leading expert), Koļesovs, A. (Expert), Mičule, M. (Participant), Grāvelsiņa, S. (Expert), Rasa-Dzelzkalēja, S. (Leading expert), Kande, L. (Expert), Nakazawa (Miklasevica), M. (Leading expert), Vjaters, E. (Leading expert), Lietuvietis, V. (Leading expert), Plonis, J. (Leading expert), Bitiņa-Barlote, Ē. (Expert), Ieviņa, L. (Participant), Fortūna, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Pētersons, A. (Participant), Pastare, D. (Expert), Pugovičs, O. (Project leader), Silina, S. (Participant), Zemčugova-Bērziņa, A. (Participant), Tihomirova, Ļ. (Participant), Maļina, L. (Participant) & Kozačenko, J. (Participant)
1/12/22 → 30/11/24
Project: National Research Programme
Benefits of an arterial hypertension therapy evaluation model combining laboratory and clinical capabilities in polypharmacy conditions
Stuķēna, I. (Project leader), Trušinskis, K. (Expert) & Urtāne, I. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
The Role of Genetic Variations, MicroRNA Expression and Impaired Carbohydrate Metabolism in Early Atherosclerosis Development and Comparative Effectiveness of Different Lipid Lowering Drug Therapies in the Prevention of Disease Progression
Trušinskis, K. (Project leader), Isakova, J. (Participant) & Kanašniece, E. (Participant)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: RSU grants
SGLT-2 inhibitoru un GLP-1 receptoru agonistu ietekme un medikamentu drošība saistība ar farmakoģenētiku polifarmācijas apstākļos
Prīliņa, A. (Project leader), Trušinskis, K. (Supervisor) & Urtāne, I. (Supervisor)
1/10/21 → 7/08/23
Project: PhD projects