Projects per year
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Making sense of media: a non-media-centric and open-ended approach to the study of media-related experiences and perceptions
Juzefovičs, J. (Project leader) & Ozoliņa, L. (Expert)
Recovery and Resilience Facility
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Academic Staff Competence Model (COMPAC)
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Project leader), Strods, R. (Expert), Sīlis, M. (Expert), Puriņa-Biezā, K. E. (Expert), Kļave, E. (Expert), Koķe, T. (Leading expert), Koka, R. (Leading expert), Kursīte, M. (Expert), Zaharevska, Z. (Expert), Rubene, Z. (Leading expert), Miltuze, A. (Expert), Medne, D. (Expert), Puzo, I. (Leading expert), Jurāne-Brēmane, A. (Expert), Vindača, O. (Expert) & Ozoliņa, L. (Expert)
22/12/23 → 21/12/26
Project: National Research Programme
Professional self-perception of Latvian journalists (2013-2023)
Ozoliņa, L. (Project leader) & Rožukalne, A. (Supervisor)
2/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: PhD projects
Worlds of Journalism Study 2021-2023: Mapping journalism’s hostile environment
Ozoliņa, L. (Participant) & Rožukalne, A. (Partner's coordinator)
1/10/21 → 31/12/25
Project: Projects outside RSU
Language Technology Solutions - CNECT/LUX/2022/OP/0030 – LOT 1 (EMW)
Ozoliņa, L. (Project leader) & Saulītis, A. (Leading expert)
20/10/23 → 31/10/24
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Quality assessment of projects implemented by the Media support Fund programmes in 2022
Rožukalne, A. (Project leader), Juzefovičs, J. (Leading expert), Ozoliņa, L. (Expert) & Zamerovska, D. (Administrative manager)
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
3/08/23 → 30/10/23
Project: Contract research › R&D project
EurOMo12: Euromedia Ownership Monitor EU 12 – EurOMo12
Rožukalne, A. (Partner's coordinator), Ozoliņa, L. (Expert) & Trappel, J. (Project leader)
European Commission, National public funding
1/10/22 → 30/09/23
Project: EU Programmes › Other
Support for RTU international cooperation projects in research and innovations
Ozoliņa, L. (Other)
30/05/21 → 21/12/21
Project: Projects outside RSU
Building sustainable media system in Latvia: from international comparison of journalism risks to development of media accountability
Rožukalne, A. (Project leader), Dimants, A. (Participant), Ozoliņa, L. (Participant), Kažoka, A. (Assistant (student)), Medne, G. (Assistant (student)), Rudzika, L. (Assistant (student)), Rublāne, E. (Assistant (student)) & Reinsone, R. (Assistant (student))
12/10/20 → 11/10/21
Project: RSU grants
Worlds of Journalism Study 2012-2016: Transformation of Journalism worldwide
Ozoliņa, L. (Work package leader) & Dimants, A. (Partner's coordinator)
1/01/12 → 31/12/16
Project: Projects outside RSU