Projects per year
Personal profile
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
5.3 Educational sciences, Expert, Latvian Academy of Sciences
5 Sept 2024 → 4 Sept 2027
5.3 Educational sciences, Expert, Latvian Council of Science
4 Sept 2020 → 3 Sept 2023
5.3 Educational sciences, Expert, Latvian Council of Science
19 Jun 2019 → 18 Jun 2020
5.2 Economy and Business, Expert, Latvian Council of Science
23 Jun 2015 → 21 Jun 2018
Field of Science
- 5.3 Educational sciences
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Academic Staff Competence Model (COMPAC)
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Project leader), Strods, R. (Expert), Sīlis, M. (Expert), Puriņa-Biezā, K. E. (Expert), Kļave, E. (Expert), Koķe, T. (Leading expert), Koka, R. (Leading expert), Kursīte, M. (Expert), Zaharevska, Z. (Expert), Rubene, Z. (Leading expert), Miltuze, A. (Expert), Medne, D. (Expert), Puzo, I. (Leading expert), Jurāne-Brēmane, A. (Expert), Vindača, O. (Expert) & Ozoliņa, L. (Expert)
22/12/23 → 21/12/26
Project: National Research Programme
Language Technology Initiative
Kiopa, A. (Partner's coordinator), Grūzītis, N. (Project leader), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Expert), Sīlis, M. (Expert), Zaharevska, Z. (Expert), Kadakovska, Z. (Expert), Žuga, B. (Expert) & Blese, I. (Expert)
Recovery and Resilience Facility, Latvia State Budget funding
1/02/23 → 30/06/26
Project: EU Structural Funds › Other
High-level digital skills training in Latvia in high-performance computing
Anohina-Naumeca, A. (Project leader), Kiopa, A. (Partner's coordinator), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Leading expert), Sīlis, M. (Leading expert), Strods, R. (Expert), Blese, I. (Expert), Puriņa-Biezā, K. E. (Expert), Žuga, B. (Expert) & Edelmers, E. (Expert)
Recovery and Resilience Facility
1/02/23 → 30/06/26
Project: EU Structural Funds › Other
SkillTrack: Skills Tracking System as a Digital Solution for Student-Centred Learning "SkillTrack"
Korvena Kosakovska, A. (Project leader), Strods, R. (Leading expert), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Leading expert), Grigoroviča, E. (Expert), Stars, I. (Expert), Sīlis, M. (Expert), Doniņš, U. (Expert), Blumberga, M. (Expert), Grase, D. (Expert), Rozenbergs, D. (Expert), Kārkliņa, A. (Expert), Rupaine, S. (Expert), Vilka, L. (Expert), Slavinska, A. (Expert), Kadakovska, Z. (Other), Filoņenko, L. (Other) & Vīlips, K. (Other)
3/01/22 → 2/01/24
Project: EU Programmes › Erasmus+
DITEPRACT: Digital And Hybrid Teaching And Learning Of Practical Skills In Higher Education “DITEPRACT”
Grigoroviča, E. (Partner's coordinator), Strods, R. (Leading expert), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Leading expert), Blumberga, M. (Expert), Ļuļļa, M. (Expert), Slavinska, A. (Leading expert), Oborins, A. (Expert) & Filoņenko, L. (Other)
1/03/21 → 28/02/23
Project: EU Programmes › Erasmus+
“Being in the digital box”. Academic staff experiences in online practical teaching: A qualitative study from six universities and countries
Baskici, C. (Corresponding Author), Aytar, A., Ersoy, H., Wiktsröm-Grotell, C., Arell-Sundberg, M., Neves, H., Coutinho, V., Blaževičienė, A., Vaškelytė, A., Söderlund, A., Fritz, J., Strods, R., Jansone-Ratinika, N. & Kav, S., Jan 2024, In: Heliyon. 10, 2, e24275.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Downloads (Pure) -
Best Practice Guide: Digital and blended teaching and learning of practical skills in social and health care (DITEPRACT)
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Editor), Surakka, J. (Editor), Wikström-Grotell, C. (Editor), Soderlund, A., Ersoy, H., Kav, S., Baskici, C., Fernandes, A. M., Neves, H. L., Cardoso, D. F. B., Dias Coutinho, V. R., Purina-Bieza, K. E., Kadakovska, Z., Jansone, J., Strods, R. & Grigorovica, E. (Member of the Working Group), 2023, Helsinki: Arcada University of Applied Sciences. 65 p. (Arcada Publication; no. 1 (2023))Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report › peer-review
Open Access -
Medical education in Latvia: an overview of current practices and systems
Jain, N. (Corresponding Author), Jeršovs, K., Safina, T., Pilmane, M., Jansone-Ratinika, N., Griķe, I. & Pētersons, A., 21 Sept 2023, In: Frontiers in Medicine. 10, p. 01-08 8 p., 1250138.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile10 Downloads (Pure) -
Simulated Hospital for Medical Students as an Essential Step Towards Quality in Clinical Work and Patient Safety
Blumberga, M., Jansone-Ratinika, N., Grigorovica, E., Strods, R., Slavinska, A. & Brants, M., 2023, Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2023: Proceedings of Scientific Papers. Daniela, L. (ed.). Riga: University of Latvia, p. 490-503 (Human, Technologies and Quality of Education).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
Open Access -
Skills Monitoring in the Work Environment – Pilot Project for Placement Improvement
Grigorovica, E., Slavinska, A., Jansone-Ratinika, N. & Bahs, G., Mar 2023, p. 10.Research output: Contribution to conference › Abstract › peer-review
Open Access
Strategic Education Innovation Project Support Program PITCH COMPETITION WINNERS
Grigoroviča, E. (Recipient), Slavinska, A. (Recipient), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Recipient) & Sīlis, M. (Recipient), 9 Nov 2023
Prize: Other distinction
Mācībspēku kompetences pilnveide akadēmiskās ētikas jautājumos
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Keynote speaker)
26 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Institucionālās vadlīnijas mākslīgā intelekta attīstības plānošanai Vidzemes augstskolā
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Keynote speaker)
23 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķi Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes studiju procesā
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Invited speaker)
26 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Docētājs. Pašvadīta mācīšanās. Students.
Grigoroviča, E. (Organiser), Korvena-Kosakovska, A. (Organiser), Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Organiser), Strods, R. (Organiser) & Blumberga, M. (Organiser)
30 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organising a conference, workshop, ...
Tripartite Approach to Staff Development: Quality Analysis, Enhancement, and Innovation Support – A Case Study of Rīga Stradiņš University's Centre for Educational Growth
Jansone-Ratinika, N. (Invited speaker)
14 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Mākslīgais intelekts praktiski: rīki noslēguma darba izstrādei
Jansone-Ratinika, N. & Anohina-Naumeca, A.
1 item of Media coverage
Top akadēmiskā personāla kompetences modelis pārejai uz jaunu akadēmiskās karjeras ietvaru Latvijā
1 Media contribution
Mākslīgā intelekta rīki šajā mācību gadā arvien vairāk ienākuši arī studiju procesā
Jansone-Ratinika, N. & Ozoliņa, L.
1 item of Media coverage