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Doctoral grant for RSU and LASE PhD students
Edelmers, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Gavrilova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Lucāne, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Elksne, E. (Expert (PhD student)), Lazovska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Miķelsone, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Griķe, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Antonovičs, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlere, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Kivrāne, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Semenistaja, S. (Expert (PhD student)), Ļubina, O. (Expert (PhD student)), Ivanova, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Kaņepa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Glāzere, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Nikolajeva, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Saliņa, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Rozevska, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Ničiporuka, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Mičko, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Ruža, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Lapiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Šetlers, K. (Expert (PhD student)), Rubene, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Lejnieks, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Līkopa, Z. (Expert (PhD student)), Kozlovs, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Reine, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Palkova, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Karulis, M. (Expert (PhD student)), Kuļigina, N. (Expert (PhD student)), Kalniņa, D. (Expert (PhD student)), Svempe, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Saukuma, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Juberte-Krūmiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Kovaļovs, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Sinulingga, A. R. (Expert (PhD student)), Iļjins, A. (Expert (PhD student)), Laviņš, R. (Expert (PhD student)), Šteinmane, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Spundiņa, L. (Expert (PhD student)), Bleidelis, I. (Expert (PhD student)), Martinsone, S. S. (Expert (PhD student)), Teteris, L. E. (Expert (PhD student)), Jakovics, M. (Expert (PhD student)) & Nerets, R. (Expert (PhD student))
2/09/24 → 31/05/26
Project: Consolidation grants
The impact of innovative integrated recreational physical activity intervention on the cognitive abilities, sleep quality and self-efficacy of sport educators
Grants, J. (Project leader), Fernāte, A. (Expert), Veliks, V. (Expert), Vazne, Ž. (Expert), Antapsone, E. (Assistant (student)), Talents, D. (Assistant (student)), Šteinmane, V. (Expert) & Volgemute, K. (Expert)
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Consolidation grants
Kustību aktivitāšu metodika ar integrētiem elpošanas vingrojumiem balss saišu noguruma mazināšanai skolotājiem
Šteinmane, V. (Project leader) & Fernāte, A. (Supervisor)
1/09/21 → 30/09/25
Project: PhD projects
Research output
- 1 Conference contribution
Šteinmane, V. & Fernāte, A., 24 May 2024, SABIEDRĪBA. INTEGRĀCIJA. IZGLĪTĪBA = SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference = Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, Vol. 2. p. 742-752 (Society. Integration. Education=Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
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