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Chronic hypoxia-induced cell viability and mitochondrial priming assessment in breast cancer cell lines / Hroniskas hipoksijas ierosinātās šūnu dzīvotspējas un mitohondriālās apoptozes noteikšana krūts vēža šūnu līnijās
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert), Mitre, I. (Participant) & Cekstere, A. A. (Participant)
3/04/23 → 1/04/24
Project: RSU grants
Hypoxia-induced molecular alterations in triple negative breast cancer cell lines
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Leading expert) & Mitre, I. (Expert)
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: RSU grants
TERT gēnu saturoša konstrukta iedarbības pārbaude cilvēka šūnu līnijā
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert) & Mitre, I. (Expert)
23/11/21 → 10/07/22
Project: Contract research › R&D project
Methodology for application of normal and malignant breast tissue-derived organoid culture as a model for diagnostic extracellular vesicle discovery
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert (PhD student)), Mitre, I. (Expert), Nitisa, D. (Expert), Vilne, B. (Leading expert) & Jain, N. (Assistant (student))
1/09/20 → 31/08/21
Project: RSU grants
Hypoxia associated biomarkers in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines for personalized therapy
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Vilne, B. (Participant), Pirsko, V. (Participant), Mitre, I. (Participant) & Nitisa, D. (Participant)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: RSU grants
Recapitulation of transcriptomic and phenotypical characteristics of primary breast tumours in spheroid and organoid 3D cultures in vitro as a potential model for personalised medicine
Čakstiņa-Dzērve, I. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Participant), Nitisa, D. (Participant) & Irmejs, A. (Participant)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: RSU grants
Prolonged hypoxia induced differential protein signatures in BRCA1 +/- triple negative breast cancer cell lines
Daneberga, Z. (Project leader), Pirsko, V. (Expert) & Vorslova, S. (Leading expert)
Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany
1/02/19 → 31/10/19
Project: Other projects