# Jānis Grasis has been involved in the life of Ādažu Secondary School for eight years, three of them as the chairman of the school's parents' council. Since joining the support society of Ādaži Middle School, he has been actively working and participating in the society's projects not only with advice, but also with his work in his free time, holding a trowel and paint brushes in order to restore the school's observatory. Jānis Grasis has united parents, students and teachers, he has found paths along which you can hear different opinions and still find common ground to make school life more understandable for others. # Jānis Grasis Ādažu vidusskolas dzīvē iesaistās jau astoņus gadus, trīs no tiem – kā skolas vecāku padomes priekšsēdētājs. Kopš iesaistīšanās Ādažu vidusskolas atbalsta biedrībā, aktīvi darbojas un piedalās biedrības projektos ne tikai ar padomu, bet arī ar savu darbu brīvajā laikā, ņemot rokās špakteles lāpstiņu un krāsas otas, lai atjaunotu skolas observatoriju. Jānis Grasis ir apvienojis vecākus, skolēnus un skolotājus, viņš ir atradis ceļus, pa kuriem ejot, var sadzirdēt dažādus viedokļus un tomēr atrast kopīgo, lai skolas dzīvi padarītu saprotamāku arī citiem.