CT Perfusion Topical and Quantitative Criteria in Predicting Prognosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients after Mechanical Thrombectomy/ CT perfūzijas Topiskie un Kvantitatīvie Kritēriji Akūta Išēmiska Insulta Pacientu Prognozes Paredzēšanā pēc Mehāniskas Trombektomijas

Project Details


In this study, we aim to introduce the wider use of quantitative stroke volume measurements at PSKUS in clinical practice, assessed before starting active therapy. This marker provides extra value and is seen in many studies as more sensitive and accurate compared to the widely used ASPECTS scale.

An artificial intelligence program for identifying acute ischemic stroke (in CT, CTP, and CTA scans) will be tested and more widely used in clinical practice, as well as for automatic stroke volume calculation, including the relationship between irreversible and reversible stroke volumes ("core/penumbra mismatch").

We will also look more closely at how other factors that describe a stroke affect the choice of therapy strategy in relation to quantitative stroke volume measurements, such as the status of collateral vessels, time from symptom onset to therapy, and scales for assessing neurological/functional status like the modified Rankin scale and NIHSS. Additionally, we will analyze how the initial CT perfusion irreversible damage matches with the follow-up CT scan after MT.

The study will result in clinical recommendations to improve patient selection at PSKUS using these characteristics, which will help increase treatment effectiveness and clinical outcomes for patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Effective start/end date5/08/2430/11/25

Collaborative partners


  • CT perfusion
  • MEchanical thrombectomy
  • Collaterals
  • VIZ AI
  • Mismach
  • stroke volume
  • CT angiography

Field of Science

  • 3.1 Basic medicine
  • 3.2 Clinical medicine


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