Project Details


The Aim of project is to create knowledge for the evidence-based establishment of the human biomonitoring (HBM) program for Latvia benefiting from international experience and adapting it to the national context.
The project “Development of Human Biomonitoring Program for Latvia” (HBM4LV) plans to develop new knowledge and obtain evidence, perform analysis of secondary data and available laboratory capacity which will be used for drafting guidelines for selecting a suitable cohort size for the general population and to elaborate on the most appropriate and feasible sampling strategy for biological samples. The Project will also ensure sampling of the selected cohort for establishing the Latvian HBM biobank and allow analysis of samples for most critical chemicals and their metabolites using national and, if, necessary international laboratories. The data of the Project will provide information on the most critical sources and exposure routes for pesticides, metals and persistent organic pollutants and their concentrations in biological samples of Latvian citizens which will serve as background for further recommendations for the development and implementation of the national HBM4LV program.
Short titleHBM4LV
Effective start/end date22/12/2321/12/25

Total Funding

  • Latvian Council of Science: €500,000.00


  • Biomonitoriong
  • heavy metals
  • pesticides
  • persistent organic pollutants

Field of Science

  • 3.3 Health sciences

Smart Specialization Area

  • Biomedicine, medical technologies and biotechnology


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