How to protect a normal birth ( Nordejordemodern) - Managing organisation - Arcada University of Applied Sciences

    Project Details


    The How to Protect Normal Birth project is a multinational project involving students and teachers
    from 10 midwifery programs in Northern Europe: 1Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland. 2Riga Stradins University, Riga Latvia.
    3Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution Kaunas, Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of
    Natural Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. 4Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen,
    Norway. 5Novia University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, Finland. 6Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    7Copenhagen Professional Highschool, Copenhagen, Denmark. 8Stavanger University, Stavenger,
    Norway. 9Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway. 10Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University
    of Iceland. Reykjavík, Iceland
    Effective start/end date1/01/2031/01/23

    Collaborative partners

    • Rīga Stradiņš University
    • Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland (lead)
    • Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution Kaunas, Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania.
    • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway. 5Novia University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, Finland.
    • Lund University, Lund, Sweden
    • Copenhagen Professional Highschool, Copenhagen, Denmark. 8Stavanger University, Stavenger, Norway.
    • Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.
    • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland. Reykjavík, Iceland.

    Field of Science

    • 3.3 Health sciences
    • 3.1 Basic medicine


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