Increasing FAIRness of data processing in Occupational Health and Safety

    Project Details


    The project team aims to implement FAIR principles in practice by transforming collected research data (2006 - 2022) in the field of Occupational safety and health (OSH). The main goal of the proposed project is to create an openly accessible research data platform which can be used across multiple scientific domains at the Riga Stradins University (RSU) and beyond for any measurements and surveys' results preparation. Project will contribute to RSU’s capacity to implement FAIR principles and to EOSC community as the data will be published in the RSU Dataverse which is a resource within EOSC and OpenAire.
    Effective start/end date22/12/2230/09/23

    Total Funding

    • Technopolis Consulting Group Belgium SRL: €50,000.00


    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
    • research data
    • FAIR
    • survey data
    • data curation

    Field of Science

    • 3.3 Health sciences


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