Multidisciplinary approach for the development of sustainable habit of regular physical activity among sedentary workers

Project Details


Nowadays, it has become evident that the behaviour of people has changed to lower physical activity levels. Occupational sitting is the largest contributor to overall daily sitting time. The individual complex of physical, psychological, and organisational factors is crucial for the development of sustainable habits for regular physical activities. The study is aimed at the improvement and evaluation of multidisciplinary interventional strategies for the development of sustainable habits of regular physical activity among sedentary work performers. The multidisciplinary approach will involve sports pedagogics, psychology and occupational health specialists to conduct the interventional study with a follow-up period to control the sustainability of the habit. The study will cover sedentary office workers for whom the initial level of physical activities and its influencing factors will be assessed and then multiple strategies of interventions will be tested for the best long-term effectiveness. The follow-up will include a questionnaire, structured diary and regular movement tracking with sensors to measure the sustainability of new habits and find out individual factors for exercising less, more, or quitting the program. The guidelines for the development of physical activity-enhancing programs aimed at health promotion in sedentary workplaces will be prepared. The results will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at international conferences.
Effective start/end date1/04/2431/03/26

Total Funding

  • European Commission: €199,200.00


  • intervention
  • multidisciplinary approach
  • nudging interventions
  • physical activity
  • sedentariness

Field of Science

  • 3.3 Health sciences
  • 5.1 Psychology

Smart Specialization Area

  • Social sciences and humanities as fields with horizontal impact on RIS3


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