Role of metabolome, biomarkers and ultrasound parameters in successful labour induction

Project Details


Incidence of labour induction (LI) in developing countries is on the rise due to various reasons, however, failure of LI is associated with increased caesarean section rate up to 10-30%, with subsequent short- and long-term complications. Ultrasound (US) measurement of cervical length (CL) is one of most precise prognostic factors in LI success. Spontaneous onset of labour is a cascade of biochemical reactions, which involves both maternal and fetal endocrine, paracrine and autocrine factors. Studies have revealed changes of steroid hormone levels and metabolic alterations in maternal serum. Blood and cervico-vaginal fluid biomarker status prior LI have not been widely studied in association with LI success. The aim of the project is identification of biomarkers in maternal serum and cervico-vaginal fluid, which can be applied as prognostic markers of successful LI– vaginal delivery after LI, and reduction in caesarean section incidence. Secondary aim is to compare biomarker sensitivity with US measurement of CL. Within project, blood and cervico-vaginal fluid biomarkers and their association with labour induction success will be studied. The results of the study will be presented in high impact factor free-access publications and international conferences. Project will improve understanding about labour induction process, and provide benefit to public health in Latvia and internationally by potentially creating innovative approach to biomarker use in clinical practice.
Effective start/end date3/01/2230/12/24

Total Funding

  • Latvian Council of Science: €299,085.60


  • Metabolome
  • metabolites
  • blood biomarkers
  • labour induction
  • cervico-vaginal fluid biomarkers

Field of Science

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Smart Specialization Area

  • Biomedicine, medical technologies and biotechnology


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