RSU internal and RSU with LASE external consolidation

  • Menniks, Martins (Administrative manager)

    Project Details


    The main objective of the internal consolidation is to make structural changes in the study and research departments in order to promote interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and the sharing of resources in both studies and research. Additionally, the objective is to obtain an overall rating of at least "4" in all areas in the next international evaluation of research institutions. The emphasis is on the quality of research, interdisciplinarity, international cooperation, and collaborations with both the industry and the sector.

    The objective for the external consolidation: to integrate LASE into RSU as of 1 July 2024, creating a unified health and sports science ecosystem that will provide high quality, internationally competitive, research-based higher education and good governance over the next 3-5 years.
    Effective start/end date8/12/2331/05/26

    Collaborative partners

    Field of Science

    • 5.3 Educational sciences

    Smart Specialization Area

    • Biomedicine, medical technologies and biotechnology
    • Social sciences and humanities as fields with horizontal impact on RIS3


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