Sonochemical technology for bioactive bone regeneration scaffold production

Project Details


The main project innovation is to use a sonochemical process to coat polymer scaffolds with resorbable nano hydroxyapattite (HAP) and nano tricalcium phosphate (TCP). HAP is commonly assumed to be non-resorbable in the organism, but the developed by us microwave solvothermal synthesis processes permits to modify its nanostructure to make it fully resorbable. The sonochemical coating process will permit to create hybrid bioactive nanoceramic coatings. Such coatings will tremendously increase the scaffold biocompatibility. As a secondary objective, we will show that properties of ceramic scaffolds coated with such a hybrid coating will be improved as well, compared to the non-coated ones. The potential of sonochemical methods for radical improvement of the scaffolds for bone regeneration will be demonstrated. The technology can be easily scaled up for larger structures or serial production. The project will open the way towards clinical tests as an intermediate stage before commercialisation.
Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/14

Collaborative partners

  • Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS (Project partner) (lead)
  • Riga Technical University (Project partner)
  • PV Nano Cell Ltd. (Project partner)
  • Rīga Stradiņš University

Total Funding

  • European Commission: €60,000.00


  • scaffold
  • regenerative medicine

Field of Science

  • 3.3 Health sciences

Smart Specialization Area

  • Biomedicine, medical technologies and biotechnology


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