The impact of innovative integrated recreational physical activity intervention on the cognitive abilities, sleep quality and self-efficacy of sport educators

Project Details


RSU sets the goals of research grants: to create new knowledge and technological insights, to develop a full-fledged research capacity. The goal of this project is to evaluate the impact of an innovative integrated recreational physical activity intervention method on the cognitive abilities, sleep quality and self-efficacy of sport educators. This project goal sets interdisciplinary tasks to be solved. In accordance with the tasks, the main activities of the project are related to the creation of new knowledge and the development of a full-fledged research capacity: the analysis of scientific literature and the creation of an innovative integrated recreational physical activity intervention method, approbation and evaluation of its impact on the cognitive abilities, sleep quality and self-efficacy of sport educators, as well as dissemination of research results, and preparation and submission of new research projects. The implementation of the main activities of the project is planned in appropriate work packages (WP) with several sub-tasks. Research findings of the project will provide empirical evidence on innovative integrated recreational physical activities and their relation to the cognitive abilities, self-efficacy and sleep quality of sport educators. Sustainable distribution of new knowledge will be promoted through scientific publications and conference reports, ensuring the availability of the obtained data, and it will also be integrated into LSPA study courses.
Effective start/end date1/04/2431/03/26


  • Integrated recreational physical activities
  • cognitive abilities
  • sleep quality
  • self-efficacy
  • sport educators

Field of Science

  • 3.3 Health sciences
  • 5.1 Psychology

Smart Specialization Area

  • Social sciences and humanities as fields with horizontal impact on RIS3


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