The Impact of Sports and Para Sports on Neck Functional Capacity, Stereotype of Movements and Health Risk

Project Details


The Impact of Sports and Para Sports on Neck Functional Capacity, Stereotype of Movements and Health Risk. Activity: Recruiting participants. Performance of cardiopulmonary exercise testing, blood biochemical analyses, anthropometry, neck functional capacity and stereotype of movements. Results: 3 Open Access publications (Scopus), 3 international congress presentations, 3 seminars for field professionals, 1 application for the Fundamental and Applied Research in the Latvian Research Council, and 1 application for the international research programs Horizon Europe (cooperation with industry, as a lead or cooperation partner).
Effective start/end date10/04/2431/03/26


  • Elite athlete
  • Neck functional capacity
  • Neck muscles
  • Health risk
  • Sports medicine

Field of Science

  • 3.3 Health sciences
  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Smart Specialization Area

  • Biomedicine, medical technologies and biotechnology


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  • RSU internal and RSU with LASE external consolidation

    Menniks, M. (Administrative manager)


    Project: EU Structural FundsOther