Underexplored social history of Latvian Radio and Latvian Television: radio and television audience research in Soviet Latvia (phase2)

    Project Details


    The project explores the archives of the audience research unit operating within the Latvian state radio and television during the 1960s-80s. The project offers a systematic review of audience research conducted by radio and television sociologists in Latvia during the Soviet period. It maps research directions, methodologies used, and results obtained. In so doing, the project aims to advance the research into audience history that has been underexplored so far in Latvia.
    Effective start/end date1/09/2330/11/23

    Total Funding

    • State Culture Capital Foundation: €1,878.00

    Field of Science

    • 6.5 Other humanities

    Smart Specialization Area

    • Social sciences and humanities as fields with horizontal impact on RIS3


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