A Qualitative Assessment of the Labeling Information of Collagen-Containing Food Supplements

Baiba Īle-Jokste, Renāte Šukele

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    The use of collagen dietary supplements (CDS) has increased dramatically, creating a large market for these products. With so many options available, it is important for consumers and medical professionals to be well-informed about the composition of these supplements. The aim of this study was to compare the information provided on the labels of CDS with science-based literature. The study conducted an electronic search of randomized, double-blind, control, and pilot studies, which all evaluated the use of oral native or hydrolyzed CDS. All studies were searched in PubMed, and had to be published in English between 2009-2022, August in PubMed. After the initial search, 33 were used for analysis. These studies were then compared to 147 CDS labels registered with the Food Veterinary Service (FVS) in Latvia. The results showed that while studies confirm the benefits of CDS for health, the labels registered in FVS often lack important information about the collagen source, dosage, and duration of use. This results in a significant frequency of errors and potential misuse compared to current scientific knowledge. This makes it challenging for consumers and medical professionals to make informed decisions when purchasing and using collagen supplements.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība = Society. Integration. Education
    Subtitle of host publicationstarptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli = proceedings of the international scientific conference
    EditorsLīga Danilāne, Karīne Laganovska, Aina Strode, Aivars Kaupužs, Daina Znotiņa
    Place of PublicationRēzekne
    PublisherRēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
    Event17th International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education: Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība”, 2023 - Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rēzekne, Latvia
    Duration: 26 May 202327 May 2023
    Conference number: 17

    Publication series

    NameSociety. Integration. Education=Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība
    ISSN (Print)1691-5887


    Conference17th International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education: Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība”, 2023
    Abbreviated titleSIE2023
    Internet address

    Field of Science*

    • 3.3 Health sciences

    Publication Type*

    • 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code


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