An article for determining limits of an artificial tumor on the artificial skin and a method of ultrasonic investigation

Translated title of the contribution: Izstrādājums mākslīgā audzēja robežas noteikšanai uz mākslīgās ādas virsmas un tā ultrasonogrāfiskās izmeklēšanas paņēmiens

Eduards Princevs (Inventor), Andra Dērveniece (Inventor), Ilona Hartmane (Inventor), Ingmārs Mikažāns (Inventor), Ingrīda Čēma (Inventor), Aleksejs Princevs (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


The invention relates to medicine, oncology in particular, and applies in detection of noninvasive signs in the border betweenmalignant tumour tissue and healthy skin to perform radical surgery in case of basal cell skin cancer. A construction for detectingborders of tumour consists of straight aluminium wire with straightedges, the lenght of the wire is 3.0 – 10.0 cm and diameter is 0.06 – 0.1 cm. The invention relates also to a new method of ultrasonographic investigation, where the said construction is used.
Translated title of the contributionIzstrādājums mākslīgā audzēja robežas noteikšanai uz mākslīgās ādas virsmas un tā ultrasonogrāfiskās izmeklēšanas paņēmiens
Original languageLatvian
Patent number14915
Priority date17/06/14
Filing date17/06/14
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2015


  • construction for detecting borders of tumour

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 01.01.2021


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