Bladder cancer trends in Latvia during 1990-2017: Incidence, mortality, and survival rates

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction The aim of this article was to evaluate bladder cancer (BC) incidence, mortality and survival trends in Latvia over the past 28 years. Material and methods Our study included patients diagnosed with BC between 1990 and 2017. The data were obtained from the national population-based cancer registry. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to identify points where a significant change in incidence and mortality trends occurred, accordingly with the patient’s gender and age. Relative survival (RS) was estimated by Ederer I and II methods. Results Altogether, 9589 patients with initial BC diagnosis were included in the study. The age-standardised (ASR) incidence rates (per 100,000) increased from 6.8 in 1990 to 12.5 in 2014 followed by a statistically insignificant decrease continuing up to 2017. The ASR BC mortality rates (per 100,000) also rose from 3.9 in 1990 to 4.4 in 2017. However, there was a decline in BC mortality trends in the agegroup 40-59 with annual percentage change (APC) -1.1%. RS rates increased from 55.0 % in 1990-2000 to 59.0% in years 2013-2017. Conclusions This study revealed that the incidence and mortality rates have been gradually increasing over the past 28 years. The exception being cancer-specific mortality in the age group 40-59, which tends to decrease. Although the 5-year RS rates improved over the reviewed period, there is still plenty of room for improvement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-23
Number of pages10
JournalCentral European Journal of Urology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Cancer
  • Incidence
  • Mortality
  • Survival
  • Urinary bladder

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine
  • 3.3 Health sciences

Publication Type*

  • 1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database


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