Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Material Local Influence on the Bone Biomechanical Properties at Rabbits with Experimental Osteoporosis

Vladislavs Ananjevs, Aleksandra Ananjeva, Jānis Vētra, Andrejs Skagers, Ilze Salma, Jānis Ločs, Vladimir Kasyanov

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Biomechanical characteristicsof the rabbit cartilagecomponentfrom the femurwereinvestigated.The controlosteoporosishad beenactivatedby ovariectomy alongside theinjections of methylprednisolone. During the experiment defects in the femur’sgreater trochanter zonewas created andafterwardsfilled withthefragmentsof a hydroxyapatite as well astricalcium phosphate(HAP/TCP 70/30) or HAP/TCP 70/30mixedwith five percentstrontium. Threemonths lateranimals were euthanazed, squared samples werecut out from the femur’sbody andlatertested on a bend. The results ofthe research revealedthat the femurs becomemorestringentafter filling offdefects in the greater trochanter zonewith HAP/TCP 70/30or HAP/TCP 70/30mixed with fivepercentstrontium. The ultimate painfor the cartilagecomponentin the controlgroupswas less, than in thetest group.The flexure modulus of flexibilityof a cartilagecomponentin the test groupwas statistically reliable less, than the value of the flexure modulus of flexibilityof the cartilagecomponentin the controlgroups. Therefore, local usage ofcalcium –phosphatic bioceramic componentoverthe greater trochanter partincreasesbiomechanical characteristicsof the cartilagecomponentin the femurof animals.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)496-497
Number of pages2
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology
Issue number2.23
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Field of Science*

  • 2.5 Materials engineering

Publication Type*

  • 1.4. Reviewed scientific article published in Latvia or abroad in a scientific journal with an editorial board (including university editions)


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