Characteristics of p27 protein diversity in oral leukoplakia and cancer

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Background. In last decades p27 protein has been proved in normal, dysplastic, and malignant cells of oral mucosa. Regulation of the cell cycle is an important factor in carcinogenesis. p27 has a tumor suppressor and oncogene function. It has been reported that the loss of nuclear p27 is associated with poor cancer prognosis. The aim of study was to characterize p27 expression in oral leukoplakia (OL) and oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC).
Materials and methods. Immunohistochemical visualization of p27 antigen was performed on the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded control samples (n=10), OL (n=25) of different location and OSCC tissue (n=25). The sections were analyzed and assessed in 3 fields under x400 magnification, recalculated to full field of view. Results were evaluated by Excel program.
Results. In our study OL was diagnosed in buccal mucosa (52%), lingual mucosa (36%) and floor of mouth (12%). The average age of patients was 59 years. In control group in one field of vision the mean number of p27 positive nuclei was 21.2 but in OL it was 130.6. Labeled nuclei were in spinous and granular layers. In OSCC expression of p27 antigen was of mosaic pattern and its value was 22.2. In OSCC was proved patchy expression of p27 not only in nuclei but in cytoplasm, too. Lack of p27 was both in apoptotic cells and in epithelium with saved nuclei.
Conclusion. If amount of p27 labeled cells of OL decrease under the value of smallest number, it is prognostic marker for possible malignant transformation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2022
Event1st European Congress on Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMD): State of the art and a roadmap for research - Brescia, Italy
Duration: 25 Feb 202225 Feb 2022
Conference number: 1


Congress1st European Congress on Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMD): State of the art and a roadmap for research
Abbreviated titleOPMD
Internet address

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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