Compliance of euthanasia with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

Una Pujāte

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Both euthanasia and assisted suicide have not been legalised in the Republic of Latvia. In recent years no study has focused on the compliance of these institutes with the Constitution of Republic of Latvia.Objective of the study was by analysing the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, understanding weather euthanasia and assisted suicide is against Articles 93., 94. and 110 of the Constitution, to make conclusions and provide recommendations. Used scientific research methods – descriptive, analytical, inductive and deductive and interpretation of legal norms – historical, grammatical, systemic and teleological. Although Section 93 will primarily protect the rights of life of every resident of Latvia, it does not prescribe that the person must live as long as it is medically possible.The legal provision incorporated in Article 94 confirms-  the person has the right, but there is no obLīgation to live a life which is not respectful and he or she has the right to freedom. This article also allows the patient to decide how he will die, which is included in other regulatory acts on the basis of which a person may refuse treatment (one of the forms of passive euthanasia). Article 110 includes the rights of State protection in the physical and emotional sense. Consequently, it can be concluded that, in the current situation, where the country is not always able to ensure the end of life without physical pain, which could cause psychoemotional trauma to family members, the institutes of euthanasia and assisted suicide are in line with the Constitution. Euthanasia and assisted suicide institutes are in accordance with the examined articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia and they can also be legalised in the framework of the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia by conducting in-depth research and public analysis. 
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2021
Externally publishedYes
EventRSU Research week 2021: PLACES - Rīga, Latvia
Duration: 25 Mar 202125 Mar 2021
Conference number: 2


ConferenceRSU Research week 2021: PLACES
Abbreviated titleRW2021
Internet address

Field of Science*

  • 5.5 Law

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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