Cooperation and Collaboration impact on Policy Development: HIV/AIDS policy in Latvia

Ieva Bikava, Ilga Kreituse (Corresponding Author)

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    The epidemic of The HIV is a major global public health issue in the whole world, despite the available diagnostic and effective and affordable treatment. In Latvia according to the ECDC report for 2016 is the highest rate of newly diagnosed patients with HIV 18.5 in comparison to average in EU/EEA – 5.7.
    Although the treatment is available for every patient diagnosed with HIV, only 38% of infected patients are engaged. The problem is multi-dimensional and has impacts on many social aspects, so the solutions should also be made in a cross-sectoral approach. Governance as political process theory has innovative tools that allow the creation of alternative modes or regulation in the private and public sphere, by the steering functions and promotion via information – gathering, rule-making, monitoring, and enforcement.
    The aim was according to Governance theory analyze the HIV/AIDS policy development and implementation in Latvia and identify methods and tools that could be used in future to gain better policy outcomes.

    There were several significant achievements made: The rise of three different level NGOs for HIV patients, improvements in policy for ART availability for patients, development and confirmation of national action plan on HIV infection prevalence limitation for 2018–2020. The methods used to achieve these goals were – cooperation and collaboration with state institutions, NGOs, medical specialists, over-national organizations, as well as the involvement of Parliament officials and committees.

    The analyze lead to conclusions that most of the tools were used, except the possibility to litigation used as lobbying strategy. Some tools – cooperation and collaboration with state institutions and medical specialists were used considerably, but other – as the involvement of the public in raising concerns, public education campaigns, and involvement of Parliament could be used more intensively in future.


    ConferenceRSU International Research Conference 2019
    OtherThe Conference will be held within the framework of RSU Research Week 2019.

    RSU starptautiskā konference "Zināšanas praksei" medicīnas un veselības aprūpes nozarē 2019.
    Internet address

    Field of Science*

    • 3.3 Health sciences
    • 5.6 Political science

    Publication Type*

    • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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