Cream for restoring epidermal lipid barrier of the facial skin, neck and decollette area in metabolic syndrome patients

Translated title of the contribution: Krēms sejas ādas, kakla un dekoltē zonas epidermālās lipīdu barjeras atjaunošanai pacientiem ar metabolisko sindromu

Jūlija Voicehovska (Inventor), Jana Janovska (Inventor), Irēna Daberte (Inventor), Vladimirs Voicehovskis (Inventor), Andrejs Šķesters (Inventor), Alise Silova (Inventor), Sergejs Babikovs (Inventor), Olga Zubova (Inventor), Dagmāra Sprūdža (Inventor), Jānis Ķīsis (Inventor), Ludmila Ivanova (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


Invention relates to the field of dermatology and cosmetology. A composition of a cream for taking care of epidermal lipid barrier of the facial skin, neck and decollette area is provided for. The composition contains seleno‑L‑methionine, alpha‑tocopherol acetate, squalane and other components characteristic to such creams in given proportions.
Translated title of the contributionKrēms sejas ādas, kakla un dekoltē zonas epidermālās lipīdu barjeras atjaunošanai pacientiem ar metabolisko sindromu
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15082
IPCA61Q19/00 ,A61K31/095,A61K31/355
Priority date24/08/15
Filing date24/08/15
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2016


  • cream for taking care of epidermal lipid barrier
  • facial skin, neck and decollette area

Patent expiration date

  • 01.09.2035


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