Differential refractometer for measuring refractive index of liquids

Translated title of the contribution: Diferenciālais refraktometrs šķidrumu laušanas koeficienta mērīšanai

Vladimirs Kozlovs (Inventor), Šimons Svirskis (Inventor), Dmitrijs Merkulovs (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


A differential refractometer design is proposed, which allows to obtain measurement accuracy in liquid environments up to 10‑6. The is intended for monitoring the parameters of a liquid medium by measuring the refractive index of the analyte in relation to the solvent. The refractometer allows the refractive index of liquids to be measured and the concentration of substances to be determined. The refractometer can be used in pharmacology, perfumery, chemistry and the food industry.
Translated title of the contributionDiferenciālais refraktometrs šķidrumu laušanas koeficienta mērīšanai
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15583
IPCG01N 21/41
Priority date2/02/21
Filing date2/02/21
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2022


  • differential refractometer

Field of Science*

  • 1.3 Physical sciences

Patent expiration date

  • 28.02.2041


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