Sintija Kārkliņa, Dagnija Verze, Lelde Keiša

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Objectives. Computers and other visual display devices have become an essential part of our daily life. It´s estimated
that at the end of 2019, 53,6% of the global population used the Internet. With the increased use, digital eye strain has
become an important occupational health problem of the 21st century. The aim of this study was to define the
prevalence of digital eye strain among computer users and explore its association with duration of computer use,
workstation arrangement and other factors.
Materials and methods. The study design is a cross-sectional study. The data was gathered using the structured
questionnaire based on Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire and VSP Computer Vision Questionnaire. Chi-squere
test, Mann-Whitney U test and probit regression were used to determine the association between two variables. Data
analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and MS Excel.
Results. A total of 247 subjects participated in this study. Dryness, headache and blurred vision were the most common
reported symptoms of CVS with prevalence of 73,3%, 72,9%, and 70,4%, respectively Females were found to be at a
higher risk for development of burning sensation, (p=0,008), headache (p=0,017), dry eyes (p=0,026) and coloured
halos around objects (p=0,034). Burning sensation was strongly associated with duratation of computer use (p=0,036)
and each hour of computer use increased the prevalance of the symptom by 3,8%.
Conclusion. High prevalence of vision and ocular related symptoms were noted among participants. Factors such as
mean duration of daily computer use, pre-existing eye disease, taking breaks, workstation arrangement were not
significantly associated with the prevalence of CVS or its severity. Females were at a higher risk for development of
digital eye strain, however, further studies are needed to determine factors associated with digital eye strain.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 62nd International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University
Subtitle of host publicationPart A. Natural Sciences
EditorsIrēna Kokina
Place of PublicationDaugavpils
PublisherDaugavpils University
ISBN (Print)978-9984-14-925-7
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes
Event62nd International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University - DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITĀTE, Daugavpils, Latvia
Duration: 28 May 202029 May 2020
Conference number: 62


Conference62nd International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University
OtherDaugavpils Universitātes 62. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference
Internet address


  • digital eye strain
  • computer vision syndrome
  • duration of computer use
  • ocular symptoms

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Publication Type*

  • 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code


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