Donor Kidney Pre-Transplant Biopsy - Does the Donor Age Matter?

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


    Pre-transpant biopsy is a “gold” standard for evaluation of donor organ quality. Different transplant centers have different approach on pre-transplant biopsy indications. The aim was to analyze how morphological changes associate with donor demographic factors.

    This retrospective study includes all donor kidney pre-transplantat biopsies (n=201) performed in a single transplant center from January 1, 2004 till December 30, 2016. Association of donor age, donor creatinine and cause of donor death with percentage of glomerular sclerosis and interstitial sclerosis was analyzed.

    According to Banff classification 86 % (n=173) of all biopsies were informative, and for further analysis we used only informative biopsies. Mean donor age was 46,9±12,8 (11‐75) years. Presence of any degree of glomerular sclerosis was observed in 28% (n=48). Mild interstitial sclerosis (Banff 6-25%) was found in 51% (n=88). Donor kidneys with interstitial sclerosis or glomerular sclerosis showed association with increased donors age (p=0,019 and p=0,001, respectively) with positive correlation in both cases (r=0,276, p<0,001 and r=0,220, p=0,04, respectively). When dividing donors into age groups, glomerular and interstitial sclerosis frequency and severity did not differ in donors 40–60 years old and donors more than 60 years old (p<0,05 in all cases). Donors younger than 40 years old had less extensive glomerular sclerosis and interstitial sclerosis, than donors 40‐60 years old and donors older than 60 years (p<0,05 in all cases). Donors with traumatic brain injury were younger (p<0,001) and with less extensive interstitial sclerosis (p=0,011). In two donors, changes characteristic for chronic glomerulonefritis were found.

    Donors older than 40 years old has increased severity of chronic changes. But due to possible, previously undetected pathology, like glomerulonefritis, to our opinion, pre-transplant punction biopsy is indicated at any donor age.

    Field of Science*

    • 3.2 Clinical medicine

    Publication Type*

    • 3.3. Publications in conference proceedings indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database


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