Fiduciāro aktīvu pārvaldes līgums jaunajā Ungārijas Civilkodeksā

Translated title of the contribution: Fiduciary Asset Managament Contract in the New Civil Code of Hungary

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    Jānis Grasis savā rakstā aplūko salīdzinoši jaunu finansiālo instrumentu – fiduciāro aktīvu pārvaldes līgumu, kurš ir iekļauts Ungārijas Civillikumā. Atklāts paliek jautājums par minētā finansiālā līguma ieviešanu arī Latvijas tiesiskajā regulējumā.Jānis Grasis in his article describes a sufficiently new financial tool – fiduciary contract of asset management, which is included in the Civil Law of Hungary. The issue remains open on the introduction of the mentioned financial contract in the Latvian legal regulation as well.
    Translated title of the contributionFiduciary Asset Managament Contract in the New Civil Code of Hungary
    Original languageLatvian
    Pages (from-to)78-82
    Number of pages5
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • Civil Code of Hungary
    • trust
    • fiduciary property
    • fiduciary

    Field of Science*

    • 5.5 Law

    Publication Type*

    • 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database


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