The invention relates to medical technique, specifically to arthroscopically assisted articular distal radius fracture repositionand fixation with K‑wires. The device helps to achieve an accurate reposition of the distal radius fragments avoiding iatrogenic soft tissue lesions.
Translated title of the contribution | Ierīce stieples precīza virziena un dziļuma noteikšanai tās fiksācijai artroskopiski asistētu spieķkaula distālā gala artikulāru lūzumu osteosintēzei |
Original language | Latvian |
Patent number | 15 548 |
IPC | A61B 17/58 |
Priority date | 14/01/20 |
Filing date | 14/01/20 |
Publication status | Published - 20 May 2021 |
- articular distal radius fracture repositionand fixation with K‑wires.
Field of Science*
- 3.2 Clinical medicine
Patent expiration date
- 31.07.2022