Importance of Integrated Marketing Communication in the Digital Promotion of Products and Ideas in Private and Public Sectors

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    Marketing communication is not limited to the implementation of promotional activities of a product or a message, it requires an integrated approach using various practically applicable and ever-expanding ways of marketing communication to be implemented through various communication channels for addressing the target audience more precisely. It is the integrated marketing communication (IMC) activities that help increase the organization's competitiveness and result-oriented efficiency both in private and public sectors. In response to changes in the external environment, organizations can use IMC as a strategic management process that helps to facilitate the transition from tactical advertising components into a single strategy. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the research was to study and assess IMC in the context of digital marketing and its influence upon product promotion. The object of the research is integrated marketing communication. The subject of the research is the influence of IMC upon product promotion. The study is based on scientific papers published by Latvian and foreign scholars, general and special literature, and periodicals. To attain the goal of the research, the following qualitative methods of economic research were used: case study, grouping and profiling, evaluation, market investigation, research and observation, and comparative analysis. The hypothesis set prior to the research aims at increased loyalty of the target audience as a result of IMC; however, it is not widely used and has spillover setbacks particularly in public domain. The research question therefore is to detect what are the key impact factors` peculiarities in IMC efficacy and its impediments. Findings: The research confirmed the hypothesis that IMC in the context of digital promotion facilitates consumer loyalty, but just up to a critical point of digital intervention`s negative aspects; also, IMC for digital promotion has a growing trend, but is still a relatively little used type of communication in the marketing communication strategy of organizations. The results of the research are of both theoretical and practical value.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 13th AHFE International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society
    EditorsVesa Salminen
    PublisherAHFE International
    ISBN (Print)978-1-958651-32-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2022
    Event13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and the Affiliated Conferences - Sheraton Times Square, New York, United States
    Duration: 24 Jul 202228 Jul 2022
    Conference number: 13

    Publication series

    NameHuman Factors, Business Management and Society
    ISSN (Print)2771-0718


    Conference13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) and the Affiliated Conferences
    Abbreviated titleAHFE 2022
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityNew York
    OtherAHFE International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society
    Internet address


    • Integrated marketing communication
    • Digital promotion
    • Digital marketing
    • Consumer behavior
    • Public communication
    • Government communication

    Field of Science*

    • 5.2 Economy and Business

    Publication Type*

    • 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code


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