Interactive game: nomenclature of skin efflorescences to teach dermatology and venereology

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Our objective was to create an interactive game, which would effectively promote the ability of medical students
to recognize various skin lesions and further correctly diagnose skin diseases.
Materials and Methods
In the work process dermatological images from clinical patients were obtained, prepared and selected. Further durable and reusable cardboard cards were prepared and printed for on-site classes. Obtained images
were used to create a H5P question bank to adapt the activity also to remote working conditions. We obtained
feedback from the students by verbally reflecting on the game.
The basis of clinical dermatology and venereology is the ability to recognize the visual characteristics of skin
diseases and prescribe the necessary examinations. The first practical class in the study course “Dermatology
and venereology” for 5th year medical students includes the acquisition of knowledge about the description of
the local status of the visible skin changes and the principles and methods of diagnosis of skin diseases, where
theoretical knowledge about the terminology of primary and secondary skin efflorescences is essential. Our
created activity promotes work in groups and mutual discussions between students, as well as strengthens
knowledge about the terminology of skin lesions. This, in turn, facilitates the course of future practical classes
and work in medical institutions with patients becomes more meaningful. The student is able to better define
skin and venereal diseases, outline their etiopathogenesis and describe clinical manifestations that allow them
to be recognized from each other and from other diseases.
By independently trying to sort out skin efflorescences and consolidate knowledge about the terms of various
skin changes, an understanding is created that is essential for successful learning of the entire study course.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventRSU research week 2023: University Teaching and Learning - RSU Medical Education Technology Centre, Riga, Latvia
Duration: 30 Mar 202330 Mar 2023


ConferenceRSU research week 2023: University Teaching and Learning
Abbreviated titleRW2023
Internet address

Field of Science*

  • 5.3 Educational sciences

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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