Latvian translation and adaptation for ASRS v1.1. symptoms checklist.

Mārtiņš Ennītis, Marta Laizāne, Ņikita Bezborodovs, Inga Landsmane

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Background. Many studies show a link between attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and substance use disorders (SUD). SUD patients with ADHD tend to have worse treatment prognosis and higher relapse risk. Adult ADHD might be underdiagnosed among SUD patients in Latvia, as there are no diagnostic screening instruments for adult ADHD in Latvian. Identifying ADHD symptoms in SUD patients could help improve their treatment outcome and quality of life.
Aim. To develop a Latvian translation and adaptation for Adult ADHD Self Report Scale (ASRS) v1.1. symptoms checklist
Methods. A translation of ASRSv1.1 symptoms checklist from English to Latvian was made by a linguist naive to the purpose of translation and a psychiatrist. The translations were merged under guidance of a third linguist. Afterwards a backwards translation was made by a professor in English philology also blind to the purpose. An overall consensus was reached by an expert team to merge a polished translation. The instrument was given to focus group (Minnesota program psychotherapy ward patients) and university students to give a written feedback on clarity and comprehensibility of the translation and fill the first 6 screener questions from ASRSv1.1.
Results. Of the 42 participants 31 were male, 11 – female, the mean age was 31.1. Out of 22 focus group patients, 5 (22%) screened positive for ADHD, out of 20 university students, 1 screened positive for ADHD. None expressed any difficulty in understanding or comprehending the instrument.
Conclusion. Latvian version is a feasible adaptation of ASRSv1.1 symptoms checklist for the participants. Treatment-seeking SUD patients show to be a good focus group for further scientific research on ADHD. Further research should be carried out to validate the adapted versions of the instrument.
Acknowledgements. The authors declare the absence of conflict of interest. The research did not receive any funding.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)142
JournalMedicina (Kaunas)
Issue numberSuppl. 1
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine
  • 3.3 Health sciences

Publication Type*

  • 3.4. Other publications in conference proceedings (including local)


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