title = "Latvijas Universitātes Psihiatrijas katedras izveide un darbība 20.gadsimta 20.gados",
abstract = "Psychiatry emerged as a field of science in Latvia in 1920, when the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Latvia was established. The first chair of this department was Dr. Med. Hermanis Buduls, elected as a professor in 1924, but as assistants in the 1920{\textquoteright}s worked M. Kazaks, A. Karps, V. Kraulis, N. Jerums, and H. Saltups. The scientific papers of professor Buduls and his assistants point out agreement in the theory of neurogenic origins of mental disorders. The malaria fever therapy for general paralysis of the insane was introduced, thus psychiatrists from Latvia at the time made a contribution in the development of the first biological treatment method in psychiatry.",
keywords = "psihiatrijas vēsture, LU Psihiatrijas katedra",
author = "Ieva Lībiete",
year = "2011",
language = "Latvian",
isbn = "978-9984-45-295-1",
series = "Zinātņu vēsture un muzejniecība=History of Sciences and Museology",
publisher = "Latvijas Universitāte",
pages = "54--64",
editor = "Ilgonis Vilks",
booktitle = "Latvijas Universitātes Raksti",