Likumdošanas pilnveidošanas procesi uzņēmējdarbības jomā

Translated title of the contribution: Enhancing Legislation in Business

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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The paper will have a view of what is good legislation, legisprudence: Office of the Parliamentary
Counsel (Great Britain); Wissenschaftlicher Diens des Bundestages (Germany); Better regulation (EC
Internal System). What is the award of German good legislation (Preis fur gute Gesetzgebung). P.170
of the Swiss Federal Constitution (18.05.1999) in conjunction with the mentioned topics and
commercial law. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (Controle federal des finances) performs the general
law assessment. By comparing them to the most efficient regulation, as considered by the
researchers, the State Control of Canton of Geneva published their assessments on the Internet.
Further in the progress of work the Research Department of the Lithuanian Parliament will be
compared to the specificity of work of the Department of Judicial Information of the Supreme Court
of Estonia. The institution of legislative Initiative of the President of Latvia, thus, for instance,
‘Commission for the Development of Legal Environment’, task group ‘for improvement of public
administration’, as well as ‘Constitutional Law Commission’, which each individually in their time
introduced some significant creative legislative initiatives, thereby improving the common
environment of predictability of legislation will also be highlighted. Business development and the
acceleration of growth promotion study will also deal with other national research and practice in
this sector. Industry and related legislation, such as the Civil Procedure targeted regulation and the
main features of the efficiency criteria, the researchers in other countries will also be reviewed. In
parallel, the latest spotlight assessment on good law-making by European Commission will also be
provided. The insight of various platforms and discourse monitoring and further cooperation among
different institutions and industries in the field of political, legal and economic planning, which, in
turn, is the most direct way to respond to the business environment in the individual countries of the
European Union, its total interdepartmental coordination process and the development of the overall
efficiency of development institutes will also be provided.
Translated title of the contributionEnhancing Legislation in Business
Original languageLatvian
Title of host publicationXVII Turiba University International Scientific Conference "Competitive Enterprises in a Competitive Country"
Place of PublicationRīga
PublisherBiznesa augstskola Turība
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventXVII Turiba University International Scientific Conference "Competitive Enterprises in a Competitive Country" - Turība University, Riga, Latvia
Duration: 31 Mar 201631 Mar 2016
Conference number: 17

Publication series

NameBiznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču rakstu krājumi
PublisherBiznesa augstskola Turība
ISSN (Electronic)1691-6069


ConferenceXVII Turiba University International Scientific Conference "Competitive Enterprises in a Competitive Country"
Internet address


  • tiesību efektivitāte
  • likumdošana
  • prognozējamība
  • tiesiskā vide
  • laba likumdošana
  • leģisprudence
  • ex ante
  • ex post
  • normu analīze
  • likumdošanas paredzamība
  • likumdošanas iniciatīva
  • normas ekspertīze
  • normas struktūra
  • normu kvalitāte
  • uzņēmējdarbība

Field of Science*

  • 5.5 Law

Publication Type*

  • 3.2. Articles or chapters in other proceedings other than those included in 3.1., with an ISBN or ISSN code


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