Invention relates to pediatric cardiosurgery and particularly to prediction of restoration of renal functions within first 24 hours after cardiosurgery in children under 1 year of age. The method provides for investigation of dynamics of difference between volumeof fluids infused and excreted from body.
Translated title of the contribution | Nieru funkciju atjaunošanas iespēju noteikšanas paņēmiens 24 stundu laikā bērniem līdz 1 gada vecumam pēc kardioķirurģiskām operācijām mākslīgās asinsrites apstākļos |
Original language | Latvian |
Patent number | 15070 |
IPC | A61B5/20 |
Priority date | 7/07/15 |
Filing date | 7/07/15 |
Publication status | Published - 20 Apr 2016 |
- pediatric cardiosurgery
- prediction of restoration of renal functions
Field of Science*
- 3.2 Clinical medicine
Patent expiration date
- 01.02.2021