Method of determination of efficiency of treatment of fatty hepatosis in case of alimentary obesity

Translated title of the contribution: Taukainās hepatozes ārstēšanas efektivitātes noteikšanas paņēmiens alimentārās aptaukošanās gadījumā

Jeļena Krasiļņikova (Inventor), Igors Fizdels (Inventor), Mihails Fradins (Inventor), Dans Grasmanis (Inventor)

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent


Invention relates to dietology and endocrinology and can be applied in testing
efficiency of treatment of fatty hepatosis in case of alimentary obesity. The method provides for determination of activity of red cell superoxide dismutase Cu, Zn – SOD
and triglyceride level in blood.
Translated title of the contributionTaukainās hepatozes ārstēšanas efektivitātes noteikšanas paņēmiens alimentārās aptaukošanās gadījumā
Original languageLatvian
Patent number15 268
Priority date16/05/17
Filing date16/05/17
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2018


  • treatment of fatty hepatosis
  • alimentary obesity

Field of Science*

  • 3.2 Clinical medicine

Patent expiration date

  • 01.12.2020


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