Invention relates to pulmonology, the medical speciality, particularly to the therapy and intensive therapy in the case of pneumonia. It provides the method of determining the risk of development of pulmonary congestion in the case of pneumonia, characterized by measuring the reduced glutathione in the patients
blood, and if the level of the reduced glutathione is 1.1 mmol/l or less, then risk of development of pulmonary congestion is established.
blood, and if the level of the reduced glutathione is 1.1 mmol/l or less, then risk of development of pulmonary congestion is established.
Translated title of the contribution | Asins sastrēguma plaušās attīstības riska noteikšanas paņēmiens pneimonijas gadījumā |
Original language | Latvian |
Patent number | 15306 |
IPC | G01N33/52,G01N33/49 |
Priority date | 8/11/16 |
Filing date | 8/11/16 |
Publication status | Published - 20 Jun 2019 |
- pulmonary congestion
- pneumonia
Field of Science*
- 3.2 Clinical medicine
Patent expiration date
- 31.05.2023