Mobbing as a reason for termination of employment relationship

Dace Tarasova, Viktoras Justickis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The aim of this article is to examine mobbing as a reason for termination of the employment relationship. The concept of ‘mobbing’ in the workplace is not defined in the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, and it is necessary to study the need to define the concept of mobbing in the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. Notwithstanding the lack of the concept of ‘mobbing’ in the legal framework, the existing laws and regulations, such as Section 7 of the Labour Law (LL), which guarantees the principle of equal rights, and Section 29 of the LL, which prohibits differential treatment, may be applied to prevent its harmful effects. An employee who has been subjected to mobbing and for that reason cannot continue the employment relationship may exercise the right to terminate the employment relationship provided for in Section 100(5) of the LL. However, the employer may exercise the right provided for in Section 101(5) of the LL to terminate the employment relationship with the employee if he has an important reason, which shall be any circumstance which, on grounds of morality and mutual fairness, makes it impossible to continue the employment relationship.


  • mobbing
  • bossing
  • psychological terror at workplaces

Field of Science*

  • 5.5 Law

Publication Type*

  • 1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database


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