Morāle, politiskā ideoloģija un reliģiozitāte: Sociālpsiholoģisks pētījums.

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This doctoral thesis studies the correlation between moral competence, moral
foundations, and the social-psychological characteristics of the political orientation and religiosity of an individual. The theoretical ground of the research is formed by the rationalist approach and the intuitionist approach in moral psychology. The research is an empirical attempt to investigate the common points of both the cognitive rationalist approach and the social intuitionist approach in moral psychology, especially those that apply to interconnections between measurements of the cognitive and affective intuitive
aspects of morality. During the research performed within the framework of the doctoral thesis, the author looked for psychological mechanisms that might explain the negative correlation between conservatism, religiosity, and moral competence.
Original languageLatvian
Number of pages208
ISBN (Print)978-3-639-87579-9
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • morālā spriešana
  • morāles intuitīvie pamati
  • politiskā ideoloģija
  • reliģiozitāte

Field of Science*

  • 5.1 Psychology
  • 6.3 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

Publication Type*

  • 2.2. Scientific monographs or collective monographs

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